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Old 03-01-2008, 03:37 PM
sting of truth
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Originally Posted by againstheresies View Post
What you demand, an infallible copy or an infallible translation may not exist!

Copyists and translators all make mistakes. The original apograph is inspired. The authors of Scripture did not make mistakes. The copyists and translators do their best to reproduce a faithful witness of the apograph, but they make mistakes. Technology has diminished the possibility of mistakes, but they still occur. The finished work is inspired in the sense that it reproduces the original. When you try to apply inspiration to the translators of KJV or the copyists of the Greek manuscripts in the same way that the apostle Paul was inspired you have a problem. First, the Scripture never makes such a claim. Second, none of the extant manuscripts perfectly agree and further even after many revisions the KJV today has two versions that do not perfectly agree (Oxford and Cambridge).

In His providence God chose to preserve His Word in the plethora of extant witnesses. No other document of antiquity is represented as well as the text of Scripture. Perhaps one of the reasons we do not have the Apostle Paul’s original letters is because some in the church would likely make it some sort of relic to be worshiped. Another reason may be that some in the church may not be willing to share its contents freely with the public. I do not know of all the reasons why God chose to preserve His Word in this manner, since He did this must be the best way.

You may ignore the facts if you wish and believe what you want, but like the people in the story about the Emperor’s new clothes your faith does not change reality.
if what you say is true then you need to be born again, you just called God a liar, and put a very low limit on the abilities of God.. if there is no infallible bible today then God lied when he said: Psa 12:6 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
Psa 12:7 Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever.

now, if you don't believe God perfectly preserved his words then you are worshipping an idol. you say the bible is not preserved 100% perfectly in the king james, i ask you where it is and you say it's not.. well you really don't know what you're talking about. what you just did, denying God keeps his word, and his word is blasphemy.. you believe in an imperfect, unable, lieing god..

the one true God sent His only begotten son into this world to live a perfect life and be sacrificed for your sins. his name is Jesus and he was not only the only begotten son of God, but he was God himself. and unless you repent of your sins and put all your faith in the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross. you will go to a place called hell, and you will burn there for all eternity. you have sinned against God, you have blasphemed Him. unless you repent you are going to perish. the choice is yours, turn from sin to Jesus, or burn for all eternity.. have a nice day..

Num 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?
Psa 12:6-7
(6) The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
(7) Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever.
The King James Bible Page SwordSearcher Bible Software
Old 03-01-2008, 03:56 PM
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[QUOTE=againstheresies;1144]What you demand, an infallible copy or an infallible translation may not exist!


Interestng quote by againstheresies...... sort of reminds me of a quote by another well known Bible corrector...."Yea, hath God said,....?" Gen 3:1

Old 03-01-2008, 04:31 PM
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Default God's perfect Book - the King James Bible

Originally Posted by foley View Post
Sorry brothers and sisters.
God did preserve his word, but that refers to him protecting the original manuscripts for transference to multiple generations, not some mans OPINION as to which is the best translation, PERIOD! so snap out of it please.
Hi Folly, Would you mind running that sentence by us again in plain English so we can make out what you are trying to say? Where is it again that God has preserved His words? Can you tell us where we can all get a copy of these preserved words you mention so we can compare them to what we are using now? Thanks.

The very fact that the king james refers to the greek word for "passover" as "easter" is a mistranslation and simply serves to show it is the work of men and not of God. Not to mention where they translated the word for Joshua as Jesus in hebrews, which is proof alone that it is not perfect so therefore cannot be Gods perfect preserved word.
Folly, you might want to reconsider. Apparently you are placing your own mind and understanding above that of the men God used to give us the greatest Book ever put into print.

Regarding Easter see -

(Not everyone will agree with me on this and that is OK, but there are many good reasons for correctly translating this Greek word as Easter because that is exactly what it means today.)

And for your really silly point about Joshua/ Jesus thingy, see

So the best you can do is 90 to 95% huh? Our God is capable of Perfection, and that is what He has done in preserving His true and inspired words in a real Book we can hold in our hands, read and believe every word. I'm afraid your best just isn't quite good enough.

All of grace,

Will K
Old 03-01-2008, 08:40 PM
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The hundreds of copies we have today of the ACTUAL ORIGINAL have some minor mistakes that make no difference to the end result as the majority texts are all in 99% agreement. that fact that they have mistakes serves to show that man was involved and therefore the innerant word of god has not been preserved perfectly but has been preserved for transference to future generations in the ORIGINAL PENNED GREEK! and also the fact that they have some minor disagreement shows that the word of God from the original letters of Paul has been corrupted and that we have to do the best with what we have available to us, thus it becomes a matter of OPINION as to what manuscripts are most reliable to work with and who has done the best job in translating them.
A lot of people in here are accusing me of being of the "Ruler of the power of the air"(far be it for me to call him a prince) as that would put him on equal standing with Jesus, as acts cleary states that the Jews murdered the PRINCE of life which in fact should actually read the "AUTHOR" of life. And in the other verse where god has assigned Jesus "to be a prince and a judge" contradicts the fact that he is actually a KING and going to rule as KING." Is he a prince or is he a king? He was designated by god to be a ruler and a judge.In other words, the word in the king james bible translated as prince (although it literally mean princes actually means ruler for that is what the original idiom of the greek word means and my examples have shown that.
my purpose for revealing this is that i want to show you that it is all about a translators opinion as to the exact meaning of the greek word and context and that the fact they are not Paul himself means they have their own bias and human influence involved. You are all trying to tell me that god specifically anointed the king james scholars with momentary perfection to get the job done or that they were perfect. Is god not allowed to use someone like me to update his word for the masses that find the king james bible akward and hard to read. You are insulting millions of christians by saying their stupid cause they can't understand the king james properly and prefer to read the bible in a language they were brought up with.
But nonetheless scripture makes allowances for this as "The just shall live by faith" "Does thou have FAITH, have it to thyself before God, happy is he that condemeth not himself in that thing which he alloweth". you see my faith is not your faith, and your faith is not their faith, so where is the unity god says we should have? we should attempt to show unity? but alas i am aparently a fool, which makes you all who said that in danger of hell fire.
Not to mention that i am glad to be a fool because i fulfil scripture that states. If any man thinks he is wise, let him become a fool, that he may become wise. it appears that most of you here are indeed "wise in your own conceits" and are not functioning under "humbleness of mind" but rather resorting to sarcasm, evil thoughts,insincere insinuations, and outright judgement ahead of time.Not to mention "wrongly dividing the word of truth" and distorting and twisting the word as you do the other scritptures to take that out of context when applying them to me in judgement. You haven't even seen my version yet and you have judged it. As proverbs says, that certainly is a shame and a folly unto you.
Anyway how can the king james "TRANSLATION" be perfect when it has been revised several times and eventually retained 90% of the Tyndale version. umm i have a question. So if it wasn't ennerant word of god with tyndales version why all of a sudden is it ennerant now. Oh because God only used the king james translators to bring it up to perfection did he? grow up people.
what does the verse mean that says "thou shalt not suffer thine holy one to see corruption"? should i leave that in my version or reaarange it to say what it is actually saying. "you will not allow your holy one to rot in the tomb."
This is all about opinion folks, and the king james bible is LONG OVERDUE FOR A MAJOR OVERHAUL.

Last edited by foley; 03-01-2008 at 08:50 PM.
Old 03-01-2008, 09:06 PM
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Thumbs up It is Foly "Smith"

Hey Foley,
As i started translating, God informed me that he has given me the divine perogative to update the king james bible as i see fit
Did you also get a set of seer stones to interpret the golden tablets.

Is this Foley "Smith"


"The eyes of the LORD preserve knowledge, and he overthroweth the words of the transgressor."Proverbs 22:12
Old 03-01-2008, 09:32 PM
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Proverbs 26:11

As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.
Old 03-01-2008, 09:40 PM
grace to me
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I think we have a troll.
Old 03-01-2008, 09:49 PM
sting of truth
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Originally Posted by grace to me View Post
I think we have a troll.
if he's a troll then he must be a beginner, or a reprobate from troll school.. his trolling stinks, he don't know what he's doin
Old 03-01-2008, 09:56 PM
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Folly, what is wrong with you? You have no problems correcting the Bible and calling the work of 47 scholars who are MUCH more knowledgable than you error-filled, and you seem to have a problem capitalizing the word "God" when referring to the true God. Is there a reason for this? You have done this too much to be a problem with your typing, but have shown it to be deliberate choice on your part. Are you opposed to calling the God of the Bible "God"?
Old 03-01-2008, 10:11 PM
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Your right Jerry, Foley tends to spell God with a lower case "g" But like you said I am sure that it is not by error of typing perhaps he knows the so called god that has supposedly told him to update the KJV.

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