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Old 10-30-2008, 09:32 PM
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Check the last forum I got banned from; there were like three members who thought that divorce didn't disqualify a man from pastoring: one of them was aussiemama and another was my wife! People get all twisted up and interpret the Bible wrong just to support their self-righteousness.
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Old 10-30-2008, 09:53 PM
Vendetta Ride
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Originally Posted by atlas View Post
My biggest issue with Scofield is found on page iv at the top where he talks about the RV and the the " minor inaccuracies " of the text.

I also have problem with his notes on 1 Cor. 2:13 page 1213 and him saying that the originals and not translation and versions. He also has a big problem on his Mark 16:9 notes. he never notes that Mark 16:9 page 1069 is listed in 618 other Greek text, he just notes they are not in the two oldest manuscripts.
Yes, that's the kind of stuff that bothers me, too. His introduction to James is also just a rehash of the "party line:" written by "James the Just," not James Zebedee, to "Christian Jews." Ho-hum. I just write my own corrections in, although, in a couple of places where he writes about "the original manuscripts," I've actually written "LIAR!" in the margin.

Overall, though, it's the best study Bible.
Old 10-30-2008, 11:09 PM
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WRITER: James (See Scofield "Matthew 4:21") , called "the Just" mentioned by Paul with Cephas and John as "pillars" in the church at Jerusalem Galatians 2:9. He seems to have been, as a religious man, austere, legal, ceremonial Acts 21:18-24.
The intro to James is bad. He also has some other problems also. I listed a few of them. There are more, but he is much better than Dake. The Dake Study Bible is the worst I have seen to date. All in all the Scofield is the best study Bible to date. I have a book around here somewhere that I got from Dr. Oliver B. green where he uses the RV is a sermon he preached. The book is called In Many Pulpits. When I finish unpacking ( I just moved ) I'll see if I can find it and give you the quotes. It's pretty bad. he is talking about how he prefers the RV reading with this verse. I'm thinking it's in Eph. chapter 2, but I'm not sure. Other than that it's a pretty good book.

I look at Scofield like I look at John R. Rice, he is good on most things, but you have to watch him. Rice has some good books but his commentaries are not very good. All of the old Sword of the Lord boys Dr. Harold B. Slighter was the best with the best books. I always liked Dr. Slighter and his commentaries are also pretty good. Anything you can get by Dr. Slighter is well worth reading.

Did you ever even see the Rice Reference Bible? I was told it was 100%worthless. I looked over the Criswell Study Bible, it was ok, but he like Rice and Scofield was a Bible corrector. I think the Criswell Study Bible was called The Believer's Study Bible. I did find that kind of funny.

Old 10-30-2008, 11:14 PM
Vendetta Ride
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I wouldn't consider anything by Rice to be reliable. The "historic position" of the so-called "Sword of the Lord" is "original manuscripts only," although they try to act like Bible believers. I have very, very little respect for that crowd. If I say any more, it will turn into a rant!

Bullinger's "Companion Bible" is fascinating, once you get past the hyper-dispenationalist stuff; but he's got so much mterial in it that it's almost unreadable.

I agree with you about Dake's. He was Pentecostal, and he ripped off Larkin's drawings without attribution.
Old 10-30-2008, 11:30 PM
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I wouldn't consider anything by Rice to be reliable.
Well Rice had a few good books on soul winning, tongues, eternal security and some other topics. All in all he was ok at best, and a Bible corrector at worst.

Is Bullinger's Companion Bible worth buying? I have never even seen a BCB. It's it worth the cash and worthy of bookshelf space?

I have very, very little respect for that crowd.
Well Dr. Harold B. Slighter was good on just about everything, and I really liked him. He was far better than the rest and never was a Bible corrector. He was defending the KJV back in the early 80's long before the other Sword of the Lord boys came online. He has been dead for about 13 or 14 years now and he was the best of that crowd. The problem is they are still not online, this is the funny part. They are trying to be what they are not. Not all of them are like this but most are. Many are TR boys and do not even know what the TR really is.

I still take the Sword of The Lord and have for years. I never even read much of it anymore. I was telling my wife I should not waste my money and renew every year but I still do. They do have some good old sermons from time to time. I guess it's still worth the cash.

Old 10-31-2008, 01:34 AM
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I don't have a Scofield study Bible myself, mainly for the reasons stated already. My parents for example have NIV Life Application bibles, the worst! They have used the notes in those bibles to explain away so many things I've tried to teach them out of the KJB. They get spoon fed so much garbage commentary that they don't EVER think for themselves (it doesn't help that they have a filthy NIV). You see, lately my pet peeve is Bible correctors who use Greek lexicons in place of the Word of God. But in all honesty, these study Bibles are essentially the same thing. They make some external material more difinitive than the Word of God. This is the one thing I do not tolerate. Now I'm not saying that Scofield's notes are bad, but we have to be so careful not to place anything next to or above the Word of God! The Word of God stands alone, and above ALL!

Peace and Love,
Old 10-31-2008, 12:22 PM
kittn1 kittn1 is offline
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I like The Soul-Winner's Fire by John R Rice; I read it this past summer and it's one I'd reread.

I looked at the Companion Bible a couple times in when I was in the Christian bookstore and decided not to buy it ($40 for the hardcover up here in Canada) because it looked like information overload.
Old 10-31-2008, 07:55 PM
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Originally Posted by MC1171611 View Post
Schofield had quite a few things right; I believe later on he got messed up with some of the revisionist committees (or maybe his notes were just put into them), but for the most part he was largely correct. Notice that he said Leviathan was a crocodile, and Behemoth was a hippo, but no one's perfect.

Now, I don't have a Schofield, so I'm going off of what I've heard other men say.
I've got an old Scofield Bible, the Bible I bought just after I got saved, and there are a number of things I like about it, including the cross references. Where Scofield leaves one out, I write in my own.

Like someone else said here, I cross out incorrect fact, after eight years, I don't even consult the notes anymore! I just go by the word of God.

I do know that I'm going to wait for Doc's study Bible instead of getting a Schofield.
Woo! I'm waiting for it, too!

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