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Old 10-10-2008, 09:05 PM
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Default Obama the traitor

Obama is a crooked man and a traitor. send these to every Obamas support your can. get the turth out there are many more. don't let any forget what this man has already done.

he thinks that no matter what he will be president next year as if it is already been given to him. who promised Obama he would be president.

Farakan called him the Messiah.the arabs say he is their Muslim Brother who will toppel America from the inside for their cause.
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Old 10-10-2008, 10:12 PM
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Obama caugth lying with his own mouth
Old 10-11-2008, 04:52 PM
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This guy is a real low life, I do not care what color he is. He is a liar and a commie that likes to hang out with terrorist and other left wing nut jobs. As long as we do not find out about it that is. Then when we do find out about it. He says, " well I never knew they were like that. " He is either a liar or he is to dumb to be elected. I'll go with he's a liar, he knew what the deal was.

Old 10-11-2008, 06:28 PM
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yeah and if we question his lies, he changes the subject to our being racist or just typical white people who are aginst change.

he said about his owngrandmother she was a typical white person and he explained that it typical whites when they see someone they don't know they question right away and act perjudiced toward the person we don't know.

Well yeah, duh! if some one you don't know come walking up to your front door are you supposed to openit wide and let them in without questioning. what kind of person is this man? abnormal if he doesn't question things he doesn't know or understand. what a jerk.
Old 10-12-2008, 08:22 AM
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As a 'conservative' Canadian on the outside looking in, I am not handcuffed by not being able to 'see the forest through the trees'.

In my humble opinion the US and eventually the spin off to the rest of the financially dependent western world is in BIG trouble if you all vote for McCain. Look at what financial problems Mr. Bush has currently caused as he knows not what he's doing, then sit back and ride that wave as it continues to crash to the shore for the next 4 years.

Please be WISE with your franchise.

Last edited by Gord; 10-12-2008 at 08:24 AM. Reason: spelling
Old 10-12-2008, 05:59 PM
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We will be in more trouble if we vote for a man who has consistantly lied to the public. and then acts as it his character should not be addressed becuase it is not the "real issues".

it is the Democrates with Obama who sponsored the non-regulation of freddie mac and fanny mae. it was Obama who got the most money from those same companies.
it was the Democrates who are now caught in the controversy of Obama's friend who cheated the books of fannie mae and madeoff with millions.

it is Obama who is now being investigated for voting scam and his part in the ACORN ORG. which he sponsored and supported. most of its members are of Afro ethnic backgrounds who had bribed people with gifts and money to register to vote, one guy registered 72 times.

the economic conditins may have happened on Bush's watch but the Dems are to blame.
Old 10-12-2008, 06:15 PM
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I still don't understand how the American public is so gullible to support the Bush family and their heirs, who's lies and conspiracy cover up go back to the assassination of Kennedy. It's almost as confusing as hockey fans in Toronto supporting the Leafs.

We all need to pray for the wisdom of our leaders and future leaders.

Last edited by Gord; 10-12-2008 at 06:19 PM. Reason: spelling
Old 10-12-2008, 06:29 PM
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Media Hype. they only take what is spoon fed them from theTV sets. the proof of all you state about Bush is questionable. don't beleive all the media hype. I read both the liberal and conservative news aticles. also I read non biased material from the middle ground. you would be best to do like wise.

unless you feel that those little objects floating around the space shuttle are alien UFO's? media hype!
Old 10-12-2008, 06:39 PM
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With all due respect brother Chette, I lived through that 'media hype' that covered up the reason that a bullet from the rear violently lurched John's head to the rear, an absolute physical impossibility.

I will continue to pray for the leaders and the voters.

Last edited by Gord; 10-12-2008 at 06:40 PM. Reason: spelling
Old 10-12-2008, 07:42 PM
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I still don't understand how the American public is so gullible to support the Bush family and their heirs, who's lies and conspiracy cover up go back to the assassination of Kennedy.
Good Lord, what hasn't the Bush family done?

You have got to be kidding. I thought it was the Mob or the Cubans. No wait the Commies and the KGB. Opps my bad it was the KKK. No hold on it was that Clay Shaw In new Orleans. I'm sorry it was LBJ. No I'm wrong it was the CIA. By the way there are more groups than you and I can name that the crazy folks say killed JKF. Name any group and they are on the who killed JFK list.

You ought to come to Dallas some time, you'd fit right in. All the conspiracy guys hang out talking about who killed JFK. They even have had big fist fights break out over the issue.

Do you think we should support a pro death socialist that ties to terrorist and commies named Obama? If so how do you call yourself a 'conservative' much less a Bible believer?


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