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Old 05-15-2008, 02:14 PM
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chaplainles chaplainles is offline
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Default An Observation

Hey guys, been here only a short while and enjoying some of the postings and topics here.

But I would just like to throw something out and see if I can provoke a little bit of considered thinking. I note here there is a whole lot of debates Re: Editions etc also a growing Polarization around 'personalities' etc. 1 Cor.1:12

One of the biggest things I have noted in all my 32 years of being a saved sinner by the grace of God, is a lack of Practical Theology. This is what marks out the demarcation between Bible Believers and Fundamentalists of all stripes. Without sparking off a rabbit trail, I wiil not mention specifics but a Bible Believer searches and apply's Scripture to 'where they are' and I am not talking about 'situational ethics either'.... Whereas a Fundementalist has a set of fixed Tenets and bends or ignores where a 'person is at' upholding the Tenets are paramount. I think we can all think of situations where this is so. The Bible Believer and Fundementalist shares the shame beliefs, it comes down to how they are handled and applied. 1Thess.1:5

By way of illustration, there is a tendency for believers to be constantly defending the AV KJV Bible. Laudable and needed however this is not our primary function, they devil loves to tie us up defending and being on the back heel rather than 'taking the battle to the enemy'. Eph.6: 6:10-13

To many believers as I see it, using a military analogy are like Parade Ground Troops. An Honour Guard if you will, impeccable turnout, faultless execution of drill, poetry in motion. Their weapon is immaculate, well oiled cared for perfectly balanced.

However there are other troops, who maybe ill kempt, slack in drill and dress not keen on saluting. All they look for from their Officers are MEN who lead from the front. These soldiers do not complain they accept the rigours of Military life, realising they are on a war footing, they live in the fox holes, and their weapons are zeroed, honed and bathed in battle. They are accustomed to hand to hand combat and not afraid to stand or take the high ground when out numbered or with lack of supplies. Some are just basic Infantrymen tough hardened and seasoned, then the Logisticians who keep them supplied despite all odds, then we have the Special Forces, unorthodox, fierce, tough disciplined from combat but considered undisciplined by the Parade Ground Troops. Operating behind enemy lines they fight, using everything to hand, single minded focussed on achieving the objective.

Unlike those on the Parade Ground who never fired their weapons in anger, they know their weapons are the best, up to the job, fit for purpose. Time after time working faultlessly, when offered up to date kit they decline because they know what they possess is more than adequate. For it has been tried and tested in the fiercest of battles. Heb.4:12

Now the point is this we are all enlisted in the Lords army, we are in a war whether we like it or not. The world around us is going to hell in a hand basket what are we actually doing to save some if not all??? 2 Tim.2:3-4; Jude 22-23

Pehaps we need to get back on track as our focus we are told to Preach the word not defend it!!! 2 Tim.4:2-5

As C.H. Spurgeon Prince Of Preachers said "Defend the Bible? I would soon defend a lion! Unchain it and it will defend itself....
Every Blessing

Last edited by chaplainles; 05-15-2008 at 02:16 PM. Reason: references.
The King James Bible Page SwordSearcher Bible Software
Old 05-15-2008, 03:41 PM
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Debau Debau is offline
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Originally Posted by chaplainles View Post
However there are other troops, who maybe ill kempt, slack in drill and dress not keen on saluting. All they look for from their Officers are MEN who lead from the front. These soldiers do not complain they accept the rigours of Military life, realising they are on a war footing, they live in the fox holes, and their weapons are zeroed, honed and bathed in battle. They are accustomed to hand to hand combat and not afraid to stand or take the high ground when out numbered or with lack of supplies. Some are just basic Infantrymen tough hardened and seasoned, then the Logisticians who keep them supplied despite all odds, then we have the Special Forces, unorthodox, fierce, tough disciplined from combat but considered undisciplined by the Parade Ground Troops. Operating behind enemy lines they fight, using everything to hand, single minded focussed on achieving the objective.

Unlike those on the Parade Ground who never fired their weapons in anger, they know their weapons are the best, up to the job, fit for purpose. Time after time working faultlessly, when offered up to date kit they decline because they know what they possess is more than adequate. For it has been tried and tested in the fiercest of battles. Heb.4:12
"GRUNTS"! That's our MOS (military occupational specialty).

Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. I Cor 16:13
Old 05-15-2008, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by chaplainles View Post
Hey guys, been here only a short while and enjoying some of the postings and topics here.

But I would just like to throw something out and see if I can provoke a little bit of considered thinking. I note here there is a whole lot of debates Re: Editions etc also a growing Polarization around 'personalities' etc. 1 Cor.1:12

One of the biggest things I have noted in all my 32 years of being a saved sinner by the grace of God, is a lack of Practical Theology. This is what marks out the demarcation between Bible Believers and Fundamentalists of all stripes. Without sparking off a rabbit trail, I wiil not mention specifics but a Bible Believer searches and apply's Scripture to 'where they are' and I am not talking about 'situational ethics either'.... Whereas a Fundementalist has a set of fixed Tenets and bends or ignores where a 'person is at' upholding the Tenets are paramount. I think we can all think of situations where this is so. The Bible Believer and Fundementalist shares the shame beliefs, it comes down to how they are handled and applied. 1Thess.1:5

By way of illustration, there is a tendency for believers to be constantly defending the AV KJV Bible. Laudable and needed however this is not our primary function, they devil loves to tie us up defending and being on the back heel rather than 'taking the battle to the enemy'. Eph.6: 6:10-13

To many believers as I see it, using a military analogy are like Parade Ground Troops. An Honour Guard if you will, impeccable turnout, faultless execution of drill, poetry in motion. Their weapon is immaculate, well oiled cared for perfectly balanced.

However there are other troops, who maybe ill kempt, slack in drill and dress not keen on saluting. All they look for from their Officers are MEN who lead from the front. These soldiers do not complain they accept the rigours of Military life, realising they are on a war footing, they live in the fox holes, and their weapons are zeroed, honed and bathed in battle. They are accustomed to hand to hand combat and not afraid to stand or take the high ground when out numbered or with lack of supplies. Some are just basic Infantrymen tough hardened and seasoned, then the Logisticians who keep them supplied despite all odds, then we have the Special Forces, unorthodox, fierce, tough disciplined from combat but considered undisciplined by the Parade Ground Troops. Operating behind enemy lines they fight, using everything to hand, single minded focussed on achieving the objective.

Unlike those on the Parade Ground who never fired their weapons in anger, they know their weapons are the best, up to the job, fit for purpose. Time after time working faultlessly, when offered up to date kit they decline because they know what they possess is more than adequate. For it has been tried and tested in the fiercest of battles. Heb.4:12

Now the point is this we are all enlisted in the Lords army, we are in a war whether we like it or not. The world around us is going to hell in a hand basket what are we actually doing to save some if not all??? 2 Tim.2:3-4; Jude 22-23

Pehaps we need to get back on track as our focus we are told to Preach the word not defend it!!! 2 Tim.4:2-5

As C.H. Spurgeon Prince Of Preachers said "Defend the Bible? I would soon defend a lion! Unchain it and it will defend itself....
Every Blessing
Another great post, you have given me much to think about today. Thank you and God bless you. Beth

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