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Old 01-05-2009, 02:03 PM
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Default The Companion Bible


What do you think of the The Companion Bible Dr. E W Bullinger? I have been told he was a hyper dispensationalists, is this true?

I was thinking about getting The Companion Bible and want to know what bad to look for if there is any. Like the Thompson Chain has some bad references ( Methodist/Pentecostal style references ) as do all other study Bible's. Dake Study Bible ( Dake Annotated Reference Bible ) is the worst of all. Scofield is ok at best, and far better than all of the rest I have seen to date. Other than correcting the AV he is good on most things. So tell me what you know about Bullinger and his Companion Bible before I go out and get one.

Old 01-05-2009, 02:14 PM
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Just out of curiosity, what makes you want a "study" Bible? Why not just get a Lewis Bible and then buy some good commentaries or what have you?

Peace and Love,
Old 01-05-2009, 02:27 PM
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Just out of curiosity, what makes you want a "study" Bible?

Well here is one simple example.

1. Scofield Bible: Every Hebrew month, weight, coin, or measure has the English equivalent is in the margin. I do not want to go find some other book when I am reading the Bible to see what month it was when something happened.

Jer. 36 22

Now the king sat in the winterhouse in the ninth month: and there was a fire on the hearth burning before him.
What is the English equivalent to the " ninth month " Well December is in a note when it says " ninth month " and this is handy information. I do not want to have to look something up every time I read something in the Bible in some other book. the list of examples is endless.

May I ask what makes not you want a "study" Bible? Do you not waste time looking up thing like this all of the time?

Old 01-05-2009, 02:35 PM
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Originally Posted by atlas View Post

Well here is one simple example.

1. Scofield Bible: Every Hebrew month, weight, coin, or measure has the English equivalent is in the margin. I do not want to go find some other book when I am reading the Bible to see what month it was when something happened.

What is the English equivalent to the " ninth month " Well December is in a note when it says " ninth month " and this is handy information. I do not want to have to look something up every time I read something in the Bible in some other book. the list of examples is endless.

May I ask what makes not you want a "study" Bible? Do you not waste time looking up thing like this all of the time?

Well, first I don't think it's a waste of time to look this stuff up, but yes I do look things up quite often when I'm studying (I don't when I'm reading through the Bible since I'd never get through it if I looked up everything that I didn't understand). But when I read something in a book that isn't correct then it's all good because I don't have that erroneous material in my Bible.

By the way, do you own a Lewis Bible? It was you after all that brought them to my attention, and I'd love to see some good photos of their Bible if you do have one.

Peace and Love,
Old 01-05-2009, 02:47 PM
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Well, first I don't think it's a waste of time to look this stuff up

Here is whee we disagree. I do think it is a waste of time to look up some things. Some things are worth looking up and some are not. I own and run a company, work 70 + hours per week, go to church and have a wife to take care of. I can only read the Bible about 1 hour per day at the most and do not have time to look up every little thing. I also do most of my bible reading at night and in bed. I do not want to wake up my wife because I'm always looking up something and for the something I'm looking up not worth the time or effort to look up when I can have it right there with me. I do keep about 15 other books beside my bed to look up words and other things in. My night stand is the only part of my home that looks like a 100% mess. I'm kind of a neat freak with everything but my night stand!! My wife calls me " THE NEAT NAZI " because I demand that everything is always kept clean and neat.

By the way, do you own a Lewis Bible?

Yes I do, but i do not have any photos of my Lewis Bible. Sorry even if I did i do not know how I could post them here.

Old 01-05-2009, 03:43 PM
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Bummer. I use googles to post to forums.

Cambridge Goatskin Reference KJV Blackletter

Oh and you're not the only one whose bedside is a mess ^_^

Peace and Love,

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