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Old 12-15-2008, 12:18 PM
William P
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Default My turning to the KJB

Hi my name is William Payne. I've been reading alot of things on here and decided to register about a week or so ago and look forward to posting some things.

I am 41 years old and got saved when I was 34 in a Southern Baptist church. I am no longer Southern Baptist because of the KJB. I am now Indipendent Baptist.

How I came to the KJB

When I was saved the brothers and sisters where eager to help me grow in the Lord. I imediatly enrolled in the new christians class which used a booklet called "The servival kit" which taught basic doctrine with schripture memorisation. It also said that it did not matter which Bible you used to complete the booklet.
I was hungry for the word of God and wanted to know all there was so I used three different versions, RSV which I already had, NIV which a church member gave me and the NKJV which I bought.
I thought all bibles where the word of God so I started going through the booklet using all three bibles and right off I was getting confused because they didn't say the same thing. I had to keep asking the postor and other brothers I looked up to for answers to this problem and kept getting the same answers, "they all say the same thing in different words". I just chalked it up that I was ignorant and the most educated people new better than I did.
The only other thing they kept telling me was not to use the KJB because I wouldn't be able tu understand it. They'de say you have to be a christian for a long time to read it and had me scared to death of it sence I couldn't read verry well to start with. I failed every reading test in school and read only one 100 page book in my life up till this point.
I had to buy a KJB though to keep up with the preachers sermons but continued using the modern versions for about two years.

My turning point

One day while I was at work I just had to read the Bible so during break I looked behind the seat of my truck to get a Bible and for some reason there was only one, the KJB. It almost caused me not to read but I did and prayed to the lord that I was ignorant and couldn't read the KJB but with is help I could.
To my amazement I could read and understand and not only that but there was power there that I'd never seen with the other versions. It was truly alive.
I started reading at the begining of Mathew to the end of John non stop till I made myself go back to work.
I'm still not KJB only at this point but did know something wasn't right so I started to look into the matter for pros and cons on both sides and all the schriptures of Gods promises to us about his words.
I came to realise that every body who believed God that we can hold his word in our hands belive and use the KJB and every body that trust in man and scholarship use the modern versions.


Thank You and God Bless is My prayer

William Payne
Old 12-15-2008, 04:20 PM
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Wow brother, that is an amazing testimony!

"Where the word of a king is there is power"
Old 12-15-2008, 04:38 PM
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Originally Posted by William P View Post
To my amazement I could read and understand and not only that but there was power there that I'd never seen with the other versions. It was truly alive.

William Payne
First of all, to the Forum.

I'm with you on "...I could read and understand and not only that but there was power there that I'd never seen with the other versions. It was truly alive."
Old 12-15-2008, 05:57 PM
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The Word of God is "quick and powerful" indeed. Thank you for your testimony, William P!
Old 12-16-2008, 08:27 AM
kittn1 kittn1 is offline
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It was truly alive.

This is what so few people truly understand.....praise God for the illumination of the Holy Spirit!

Welcome to the forum, brother
Old 12-16-2008, 04:22 PM
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Thank you William for that testimony. It is an encouragement.

For Jesus' sake,
Old 12-31-2008, 01:18 PM
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Being raised on the KJV, there weren't to many others around back in the 50's. Well a few! but you hardly ever saw one.

Later I tried several modern versions, falling for the trap, that they were easier to read. Of which I own several.

But now they mostly collect dust, on my shelves. Going back to the KJV there is a feeling of spirit to it, none other has. Now its not the wording as some will say, but a true spiritual connection when you read it. The others, something like a paper back novel.

Some say in the next 25 years, that the KJVO movement will be over. I suppose they might be right, as all the old duffers like me will be gone, all that will remain will be the modern apostates. But long live the KJV.
Old 12-31-2008, 04:17 PM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by William P View Post
One day while I was at work I just had to read the Bible so during break I looked behind the seat of my truck to get a Bible and for some reason there was only one, the KJB. It almost caused me not to read but I did and prayed to the lord that I was ignorant and couldn't read the KJB but with is help I could. To my amazement I could read and understand and not only that but there was power there that I'd never seen with the other versions. It was truly alive.
EXCELLENT, thank you for posting and God bless...

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