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A LITTLE GOOD NEWS after the election!
We all know the bad news.
Is there any good news after the Obama win? Well, let's see... GOOD NEWS FROM FLORIDA Florida voters have stood up for traditional marriage. Florida Marriage Protection Act PASSES! This is the text of the Florida Marriage Protection Amendment: “Inasmuch as marriage is the legal union of only one man and one woman as husband and wife, no other legal union that is treated as marriage or the substantial equivalent thereof shall be valid or recognized.” http://fromtheduke.blogspot.com/2008...2-florida.html http://www.yes2marriage.org/ OTHER GOOD NEWS: it looks like ultra-liberal AL FRANKEN WAS DEFEATED Coleman won by a mere few HUNDRED votes, underscoring the importance of voting!!! From what I can see right now, this could help keep liberals from getting the 60 they needed to over ride the filibuster, this is tremendous news looking forward. MORE THOUGHTS: Although Obama won handily, this election was not a blow out. It may appear that way because of the electoral vote, but McCain got roughly 55 million votes to Obama's 62 million. Still a lot of red states and counties out there. This election was lost in the last 60 days primarily due to a troubled economy, which in turn was led by the housing and credit crisis, actually set up by the liberal policies of Clinton back in the 90's. A year ago I think the unemployment was about 1 percent and the stock market was soaring. Regardless, elections are a numbers game, and in the end, we are the best agents of change for the next election... NEXT TIME: Bottom line: We have the unique power to change liberals to conservatives. We can change men's hearts, and their minds will follow. We as evangelicals have the power to convert pro-abortion hearts to pro-life votes. It is the power of the Gospel, which changes men's hearts, so it all goes back to evangelism and winning souls. And that is the REAL GOOD NEWS! |
Also, the Gay Marriage Ban in California is close to victory!
Thanks Princess...
MORE GOOD NEWS... Proposition 8 PASSED IN CALIFORNIA!! Proposition 8, which would establish marriage as a union between a man and a woman, passed with 52.1% of the vote, against 47.9% opposed, with 94.6% of precincts reporting. The approval marks a stunning upset in a $70 million campaign that just weeks ago looked to be running in favor of preserving gay marriage rights. The passage of Prop 8, as it is known, would be a major victory for religious conservatives seeking to ban gay marriage in other states, and a crippling setback for the gay rights movement nationwide. more here: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1225...gn2008_mostpop |
California finally did something right! |
Yes, CA voters are a schizophrenic lot and I am glad I don't live there any more. On the one hand they vote (twice) to protect the definition of marriage and have also voted to protect their borders and state sovereignty against illegal immigrants, but they are still voting by and large for politicians that will put judges into office that directly contravene their will.
Peace and Love, Stephen |
Something that was said above by Parrish got me to thinkin' 'bout somethin'... Southern Cal. (don't know about Central and Northern) has some rather large Churches---all flavors, and yes I'm including the R. C.'s in this Post--don't get upset, just bear with me for a moment-) with several folks attending. From the first Calvary Chapel in the Costa Mesa/Santa Ana area to the Crystal Cathedral (boo-hiss) in Garden Grove, to Saddleback Community Church (another ugh,boo-hiss) in Orange County, Grace Community Church in Panarama City, Church on The Way in Sherman Oaks, Calvary Chapel Golden Springs in Diamond Bar, Harvest Christian Center in Riverside, Horizon Chapel in San Diego area... and several more that hold more than 300 people and have more than one service on Sunday morning. When I was in La Mirada our Baptist Church held (Fire Regs.) 300 folks one morning service....The 2 Roman Catholic facilities have at least 3 services on Sundays and can hold at least 400 bodies. Plus all the L.D.S. wards and other smaller groups. All claiming to believe in the God of Abraham,Isaac, and Jacob. Not to bore you folks with names/stats/places, but to let you know that not everything in Cal. is a big beach ball/surfing/amusement park. I have often thought that with all those folks going to Churches (of all stripes/flavors/varieties-including the Cults and "isms".) that there should be a more Godly or righteous population in California, and they should be voting for School Board members, Repesentatives, Councilmen, Mayors, County Supervisors , Senators, and Governors, that at very least --- Have a clue who Adam and Eve and Moses and David and Jesus and Paul were... and what they said/taught. Right now it's like they were asleep all throughout Sunday School and Worship service. |