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Old 05-05-2008, 05:03 PM
ziggy2sound4u ziggy2sound4u is offline
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Default KJV Translators Drunks

Maybe someone out there can help me.
I had an allegation brought up to me that the KJV translators, themselves stated; "that they did their best work while drunk."
While believe this to be a fabrication and a horrorable lie, I none the less must come up with some kind of answer for this charge.
Old 05-05-2008, 06:45 PM
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My first advice is that you are wasting your time. If someone wants to believe this garbage, then no amount of reasoning will matter. For your own benefit, there are several books available that tell about the translators. Look on this site ( and other KJB sites for titles.
Old 05-05-2008, 07:13 PM
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Why do you need to come up with a defense against slander? You should get them to attempt to back up their slander FIRST before you need to find a response to it. The Devil will always revile and accuse God's people. You could spend a lifetime dealing with all his accusations.
Old 05-05-2008, 07:43 PM
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Yep! What those two guys said. You should get a booklet from the Trinitarian Bible Society titled "The Learned Men". These gents knew the old languages, and they knew good English. They took their jobs seriously! Another good book to read is the one by E.F. Hills, which is mentioned on the front page of this website.

They also understood that proper language use is essential so that we understand and worship "The Lord God Almighty"...rather than "my good buddy upstairs."
Old 05-06-2008, 03:10 PM
ziggy2sound4u ziggy2sound4u is offline
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Thanks brothers for the help and the encouragement!
Its that these "guys" (can not rightly say if they are saved or not) on youtube bring up these allegations and it SEEMS that those who believe the KJV is the Word of God have to come up with some sort of defense.
This "guy" seemed to suggest this came from the KJV translators own diaries(of course, I told him that that was probably just some catholic lie).
WHEN the discussion gets too unreasonable or I determine that said "guy" is a faithless heretic, I no longer "talk" with them.
Once again, thanks brothers!
Brother Greg Zeigler
Old 05-06-2008, 09:02 PM
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The accusation, made by Adam Nicolson in "Power and Glory" (page 99), that Richard Thompson (just one translator) was a drunkard, is based on the historical account of one extreme Puritan called William Prynne. It is usual that those against the KJB will go out of their way to quote this single source.

Nicolson takes a giant leap, on page 192, he says, "The eccentric Bedwell, and drunk pornographer Thompson..."

This is called historical revisionism. It is in line with the sensational reporting that the smallest unreliable details of badness be blown up to make the godly men the worst that ever lived. Just look at how King James is made into a tyrant and child abuser!

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