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Old 03-10-2008, 09:32 PM
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Default Let's talk about Erasmus.

This article was great for the defense of Erasmus, but it lacked in only two points in answering the accusations made by perversion defenders.

I'm told that Erasmus somewhere states that he wanted salvation bugt not without Mary. And although he criticized the church, he never left it. Why not?

#1. Did Erasmus really say that he wanted salvation but not without Mary? He agreed with Luther that salvation was by faith and not by works, so where does Mary come up in his thinking?
#2. Why didn't Erasmus ever leave the catholic church?
Old 03-11-2008, 05:26 AM
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Don't know - but he wrote against their doctrines. I think many people in the Dark Ages were simply brainwashed to think that the RC church was the ONLY church, therefore they had no other option but to stick with it and try to change it from within. Even Luther never wanted to leave it - he was forced to when they sought to kill him.
Old 03-11-2008, 09:25 AM
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Leaving a church is sometimes not the best option right away for a person who found the truth. If I were Erasmus or Luther, I might also stay where I am in order to convince people within the system of my newfound truth, and leave when all efforts fail.

Last edited by Biblestudent; 03-11-2008 at 09:27 AM.
Old 03-11-2008, 12:22 PM
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The Bible teaches separation from false teachings, false brethren, brethren in sin, etc. - so I believe Erasmus was wrong in staying in an apostate church, no matter how much he may have tried to justify it.
Old 03-11-2008, 12:50 PM
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i believe during that time, what erasmus was doing was already separating from RC. Maybe at that time, leaving the RC means you are a pagan or an islam believer, which i believe erasmus doesnt want to do. he doesnt much of a choice and where to what he did was he corrected the wrong doings of the RC...unlike now that there are already a lot of denominations people can go to...

Old 03-11-2008, 01:18 PM
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There were groups of believers outside of the RC church during the Dark Ages, such as the Waldensians and Anabaptists. Of course, people in the RC church are/were brainwashed to believe that it is the only true church, and salvation is only through it - therefore many won't even consider leaving it at all.

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