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Old 04-08-2008, 03:42 AM
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Default HUMANISM {Pernicious Satanic Influence In The World Today} [PART #1]


[PART #1]

We live in evil times and our culture is, without a doubt, one of the most corrupt and deceptive in the recorded history of mankind. The Bible describes the times we now live in by comparing them with two other particularly evil times:

Luke 17:26 And as it was in the days of NOE, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.
27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.
28 Likewise also as it was in the days of LOT; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;
29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.

An examination of the verses in the Bible regarding the spiritual, moral, and physical condition of the people living in those past times reveals an amazing and startling similarity to conditions in the world at this present time and the deplorable state of the vast majority of the people living on the earth today!

Genesis 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

Genesis 6:11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.

Genesis 13:13 But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.

Genesis 18:20 And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous;

Wickedness, evil, and violence are nothing new in the world; they have been in existence on this earth since the fall of Adam and Eve. However, the Bible records two [2] specific times in man’s history when wickedness was exceedingly great; when evil abounded continually in the hearts of men and women; and when violence so filled the earth that God brought forth terrible judgment upon the earth and upon the people who committed all of the above sins.

In Noah’s time God flooded the whole earth with water and destroyed every living thing [with the exception of Noah and his family] that breathed upon the earth because of man’s terrible sinful state.

In the case of Sodom and Gomorrah God rained down fire and brimstone from heaven upon those wicked cities and the surrounding areas and killed every man, woman, and child in them [with the exception of Lot and his two daughters] because of the wicked and grievous sins of the people.

As for today - a comparison of just three (3) of the many popular areas of endeavor: (ENTERTAINMENT -TV, Movies, Radio, Magazines, etc. – The sad lack of character in the majority of the participants and perverse and corrupt content; SPORTS - The obnoxious character of many of the participants and the mean spirited manner in which the games are played; and SCHOOLS - The content of the curriculum and the lack of morals and character of the teachers and administrators) with the same institutions of the 1940’s and 1950’s will demonstrate an obvious and alarming decline in the spiritual and moral character in the people of these United States, to say nothing of the rest of the world.

The popular approval today of the common practice of fornication and the nearly unanimous opinion of adultery as being just an unimportant and harmless offense, is indicative of our spiritual and moral state. The general acceptance by more and more people of Sodomy and Lesbianism as an “acceptable alternative lifestyle” and the fact that anyone who objects to these sins or speaks out against them is now subject to ridicule, censure, and in many western nations – possible prosecution, punishment, or jail, clearly demonstrates that we are living in a very corrupt world.

The catalog of personal sins and offenses are too numerous to list here but the following roster is a representative sample of just a few: The rise in crime in general (murder, rape, assault, robbery, extortion, theft, fraud, embezzlement, etc., etc., etc.); the general acceptance of almost all forms of pornography; the dramatic increase in sex crimes against children; the increase in the use of drugs and alcohol; the increase in divorce; the perverting, corruption and abandonment of traditional marriage and the corresponding destruction of the family. All these sins clearly demonstrate that our present world abounds in wickedness and is only evil continually.

As to the earth being “filled with violence”, we live in one of the most violent countries in the world and in one of the most violent times in recorded history. Murder is commonplace and is being committed for petty reasons; violence in the government schools has risen dramatically; rape is often treated lightly in the so-called “criminal justice system”; the rape of minors and young children is on the increase; and people are assaulted daily for little or no reason. The list of offences could go on and on. However, the offenses listed above are only those which are being committed by individuals. The offenses committed by governments [states] in the last century have exceeded individual offenses by far.

The following quote demonstrates just how violent our present world really is:

“In practice, communism is nothing less than sheer barbarism that makes even the horrors of Naziism pale in comparison. Professor Rudolph J. Rummel of the University of Hawaii outlines that barbarism in his book "Death by Government," a comprehensive detailing of the roughly 170 million people murdered by their own governments during the 20th century. From 1917 to its collapse in 1991, the Soviet Union murdered about 62 million of its own people. During Mao Zedong's reign, 35,236,000, possibly more, Chinese citizens were murdered. By comparison, Hitler's Nazis managed to murder 21 million of its citizens and citizens in nations they conquered. Adding these numbers to the 60 million lives lost in war MAKES THE 20TH CENTURY MANKIND'S MOST BRUTAL ERA."
(Are academic elites communists? By Walter E. Williams - August 16, 2006)

Please keep in mind that the above quote is limited to just the Communist, Fascist, and Nazi atrocities. If we were to include the number of murders, rapes, tortures, and persecutions committed by Dictatorships (on the right & left) and Democracies (of all stripes) in Africa, Asia, and the Americas; and then add the atrocities committed by Muslim Nations throughout the continent of Africa, the Mid East, Asia Minor, Asia, Indonesia and the Philippines; and if we were to add to the list of offenses - the cruel enslavement of millions upon millions of people by all of the governments listed above; we can easily say that in the last century the true scope and volume of violence perpetrated by individuals and by governments upon the people of this earth is incalculable, and in regards to numbers – far exceeds any known time in the recorded history of mankind.

While many American women and abortionists are “free” to exterminate millions of unborn babies, it takes decades to execute a serial killer. While the foulest, most disgusting, dirty, filthy, obscene and truly offensive language is commonly in use throughout the public square, the Ten Commandments are prohibited from being displayed. While teachers are “free” to espouse practically any perverse idea or concept that may come into the heart and mind of degenerate individuals in the so-called “public” (i.e. government) schools, we are prohibited from quoting even one verse from the Bible or freely expressing our faith. While Christian parents overwhelmingly have a deep concern about the genuine welfare of their children, the so-called “family” courts, government social service agencies, and government schools are continually intruding into legitimate family issues and concerns and interfering with parents exercising their lawful (God-given) Constitutional rights.

But why go on with the litany of the obvious moral and spiritual corruption sweeping our country and the world? (And even more tragically – God’s churches) We have reached the point in the history of the world where conditions are such that it is “easy” to practice evil; as a matter of fact we are encouraged (by: the schools, the media, entertainment, etc.) to do so. At the same time it is getting much more difficult with each passing day to walk after the Lord God and to serve Him according to the truth; as a matter of fact we are either being discouraged (by: churches, schools, media, entertainment, etc.) from doing so, or are even being forbidden (by: churches, courts, schools, government agencies, etc.) to do so!

I have at least two more posts on the subject of Humanism. If you want to know what it's all about - look up the Humanist Manifestos I, II, & III on line and get it straight from the horses mouth. Humanists have never been "shy" about their "BELIEFS" and their "GOALS" - On the other hand, (sad to say), most people are completely ignorant of just how successful they have been in implementing them (primarily through "education" & "schooling").
Old 04-08-2008, 10:43 AM
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Good post, George. We live in no doubt the most evil of all times and getting more evil as time goes on.

The following, The Origins of Political Correctness, by William Lind, is a political, not a Christian, analysis of how the world became so evil so fast since the 60s.

When I first found this essay it was a great relief to me to finally have a coherent explanation for the evils engulfing us, "political correctness" being the "liberation" of sin into the world like a flood, along with the strident anti-Americanism, starting on the university campuses. Some Christian studies of Postmodernism have also been of some help but Lind's essay explained a lot more for me. Of course there are many other trends of evil, but this one hits close to home for me because I was in Berkeley California in the sixties surrounded by this stuff. It made me worried and gloomy even then although I wasn't yet a Christian, because I didn't know its source or that it was all part of a particular worldview. Of course its true author is the devil himself, but it's also helpful to know, I think, that there are specific human sources of this stuff.

For these things judgment is coming. 9/11 was just a hint of it, and it should have been taken as a warning. Instead of repenting the nation said "God bless America" which was tantamount to blasphemy in the face of a warning of judgment. Very few preachers even got the message, very few saw the handwriting on the wall. Most were busy trying to assure their flocks that God doesn't do such things or that we can't know why He does if He does.

The current evils George has listed are plenty of reason for judgment, and ought to make us wonder why judgment hasn't fallen harder on us. But it's coming. I think the growing popularity of Islam in the nation and the world even as we learn more and more about its vile nature is God's judgment already. Muslims are wreaking havoc in Europe and getting in a position to do so in the US too. We aren't Israel but I think the blessings and cursings God promised Israel ought to be taken as a model for how God deals with nations in general, and being overrun by one's enemies is one of the curses for failure to obey His law. So is economic disaster. America started out with a strong Christian base. Judgment comes harder to those who have started out honoring God.

Biblically God's judgments await the "fullness of time" and the worst of our collective sins have only been accumulating on a massive national scale for a few decades at this point, even if their roots are farther back. Katrina was also judgment. Rising prices are the result of both those hits, and it's going to get worse, maybe all of a sudden.

Which will probably set the stage for the Antichrist who is surely waiting in the wings to come out and help the world find "peace" though there is no peace to the wicked.

Perhaps you disagree with my analysis. Just take it as one person's opinion then.

Last edited by Connie; 04-08-2008 at 10:48 AM.
Old 04-08-2008, 07:58 PM
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Re: Post #2

Double post - so sorry!

Last edited by George; 04-08-2008 at 08:01 PM.
Old 04-08-2008, 08:00 PM
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Re: Post #2

"Political correctness" stems from Humanism - it's just one of many wicked manifestations of it . Humanism is at the heart of all of these pernicious influences - every single one of them. Humanism is the religion; "godless belief system"; philosophy; i.e. the vehicle that that Satan has used, and is using, to control the world through his standard "mode of operation": FEAR - INTIMIDATION - COERCION & FORCE. This has been the way of the world from the beginning and Satan's only way also!
Old 04-08-2008, 08:53 PM
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Default HUMANISM {Pernicious Satanic Influence In The World Today} [PART #2]

[PART #2]

Throughout recorded history every State (government) that has ever been in existence has embraced and promulgated an “official” or “approved” Religion. Although [throughout history] some States may have tolerated, to some degree or another, some religions (other than the “official” religion), the fact is that most States, most of the time, have used the power of the State to persecute or destroy any religion other than the State (government) “approved” religion. ( i.e. Mohammedanism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Baalism, etc., etc. )

The disturbing fact is that in most of the world today people’s hearts are so deceived and their minds have become so blind and corrupt that they have surely embraced a religion without even knowing or acknowledging that it is a religion. That religion is called Humanism – from which many other State (government) “official” religions have emanated [Communism, Fascism, Nazism, Socialism, etc.].

Please note: Although these systems and those mentioned above) "seem" to be different from each other, they, along with Humanism all employ that exact same "methods" in order to "control" people: FEAR, INTIMIDATION, COERCION, & FORCE! And they all hate God; God's word; and God's people! (That's just too much of a "coincidence" to be "accidental". Who do you suppose is behind this amazing "cohesiveness" and agreement?)

Just as most of the countries that were in existence at the time of its founding, the United States had an “official” [undeclared] religion at it’s founding also - Judeo–Christian. However, unlike the other States (governments) it wasn’t an organized religion - it had no “official” headquarters or clergy.

In the Western world, as the various State (government) “official” religions (Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican, Presbyterian, etc.) have been changed, ignored, or abandoned, Humanism, in all its forms (Religious-Secular-Atheistic-Psychological) with one or more of its attendant Ism’s has filled the void left behind.

Through the influence of the schools (K-12 & college); the media (print, radio, & television); government agencies (local, state & federal); and the courts (local, state & federal); our culture [and as a consequence our Country] has been radically changed from one that was based on Judeo-Christian laws, precepts, and principles to one that is based on the subtle religion of Humanism. (Humanism has become the “official” [but undeclared] religion of the United States – Please check out the substitution of unreasonable, untested, and failed “Psychological solutions” in the present day Court systems [especially the so- called “Family” Court] in place of the tried, tested, and proven Laws [based on Judeo-Christian principles] that guided our country from its founding up to the turn of the twentieth century).

The religion of Humanism has succeeded in:

Searing the consciences of most people, in regards to good and evil.
Occupying the minds of most people with superficial things of this world.
Alienating most people’s hearts from God and God’s word.

By the evidence and testimony presented above it is quite evident that the world (people, institutions, & governments) is at war with God’s people, and that war is being waged on two (2) main fronts. In Communist, Fascist, (Dictatorships) and Islamist (Muslim) countries the war against God’s people is being prosecuted mainly in physical terms (murder, torture, physical persecution). In Democracies and Socialist countries the war is much more subtle – to the degree that most of today’s Christians aren’t even aware of it - (Economic, social, political & religious discrimination; intimidation; coercion; ridicule; and government harassment are some of the weapons used i.e. the fear of man). But it is still a war!

Humanism, along with all the other isms listed above (including Psychiatry & Psychology) is diametrically opposed to the Bible, the God of the Bible, God’s people, and everything that God’s people believe. A close examination of just 25 basic beliefs held by all true Bible believers (listed below) will demonstrate that Humanists do not believe or accept even one of these 25 basic Bible precepts and, if given the opportunity, they will not only vehemently deny every single one of them, but try to prevent others from believing in them also!

1. God (The Triune Godhead as presented in the Bible)

2. Satan (As an existing being – The father of evil)

3. Angels (As existing)

4. Devils (Demons & evil spirits as existing)

5. Creation (The Biblical account)

6. Man (As possessing three parts – a Body, a Soul, and a Spirit)

7. The Soul (As existing and being 1 part of the 3 parts of man)

8. The Spirit (As existing and being 1 part of the 3 parts of man)

9. Evil (As Existing - The Biblical concept of)

10. The Heart (As the seat of a person’s thoughts, imaginations, affections, will, etc.)

11. Sin (The Biblical Account of the fall – The sinful nature of all mankind.)

12. Redemption (All of mankind’s need for Salvation)

13. Signs, wonders, miracles (As recorded in the Bible)

14. World wide Flood (The Biblical Account)

15. Division of Mankind (Into three basic races: Shem, Ham, and Japeth)

16. Accountability (That individuals are responsible for their own actions – not society.)

17. Judgment (That a time will come when God is going to judge all of mankind.)

18. Heaven (As a place of Eternal Life with God)

19. Hell (As a place for Eternal Punishment.)

20. Hebrews – Jews – Israel (As being God’s earthly chosen people.)

21. Jesus Christ: (As being the bodily manifestation of the Godhead.)
(As being the fullness of the Godhead bodily.)
(As the Creator of the world and the universe.)
(As to his Incarnation – Miraculous Conception & Birth)
(As the Jews [Hebrew] Messiah.)
(As the one and only Saviour of mankind and the world.)
(As Rising from the dead.)
(As the Head of the Church – which is His body here on earth.)
(As the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.)

22. The Blood Atonement (That Jesus Christ’s Blood paid the price for sin – sins.)

23. Born Again (That a person needs to be born again in order to enter into the Kingdom of God.)

24. The Church (Christ’s Bride – The Pillar and Ground of the Truth.)

25. Marriage (God’s Institution – Between one man and one woman.)

How can nearly the whole world, regardless of their differing beliefs, be of one mind on these matters of belief and faith? There is a world wide conspiracy going on, but it's one that nearly the whole world is unaware of, because Satan is the author of it and he has blinded the minds those who have chosen to reject God and His Holy Scriptures.
Old 04-09-2008, 07:30 AM
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I agree that political correctness is just a contemporary expression of the ongoing evil in the world, though it's had such a rapid and drastic effect in such a short time I personally wouldn't have considered "humanism" a sharp enough explanation. I don't even think "political correctness" is sharp enough to explain this complete sea change over just a few decades.

But in general I don't think you need a particular philosophy like "humanism" to explain the evil in the world or the being of one mind on the hatred of Christianity. Yes, certainly the devil directs aspects of it, but the corrupted fallen human nature is enough of an explanation all by itself. The flesh is "enmity to God." If God doesn't draw us to Him we'll just go on being more and more reprobate, and it's plain old human nature that in cahoots with the devil is always trying to overthrow God.

Psalm 2:1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? 2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, 3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. 4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

Last edited by Connie; 04-09-2008 at 07:34 AM.
Old 04-09-2008, 05:29 PM
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Default HUMANISM {Pernicious Satanic Iinfluence In The World Today} [PART #3]

[PART #3]

Humanism is the main "DEVICE" that Satan has used as a means of influencing and persuading mankind - at least from the beginning of the Reformation. Along with the resurgence of Biblical Christianity and Evangelism came the "Renaissance" ("The humanistic revival of classical art, architecture, literature, and learning that originated in Italy in the 14th century and later spread throughout Europe." American Heritage Dictionary) and the "Enlightenment" ("the Enlightenment, a philosophical movement of the 18th century, characterized by belief in the power of human reason and by innovations in political, religious, and educational doctrine." American Heritage Dictionary) Satan always has a counterfeit "system" and "method" to God's Institution and Order (Plan)!

Humanism is the culmination and end result of six thousand (6,000) years of mankind’s various Religions & Philosophies; Societies, Cultures, & Governments; and “Science” & “Education”. Or to put it another way – Humanism is the Collective Wisdom of mankind (the Wisdom of the World) as opposed to the Wisdom of God (as found in the Scriptures).

Over the past 150 years Humanism has been enthusiastically embraced and is zealously propagated & promulgated by the some of most talented, intelligent, capable, and the very brightest men and women the world has to offer.

Humanism’s proponents are as bigoted and intolerant as today’s Muslim Clerics or the 12th and 13th century Roman Catholic Priests of the infamous Inquisition.

Humanism, like all the other World’s Religions, must use Fear, Intimidation, Coercion, and Force (“THE WAY” of the World!) to maintain power and influence. Humanism’s ultimate goal is to impose its will on all of mankind and make us conform to the World!

In Christian circles (churches, schools, various institutions & missions created to spread the “Gospel”), the pervasive influence of Humanism has created a very curious and specious kind of Christianity (absent The Truth, with an emphasis on Works, lacking True Spiritual Fruit, and without Spiritual Power), which in turn has produced Carnal Hybrid "Christians", many of which may not be genuine Christians at all! Only Almighty God knows for sure.
[Matthew 13:23, Galatians 3:29, 1Peter 1:23, 1John 3:9, 1Timothy 6:3-6]

PSYCHIATRY & PSYCHOLOGY: In essence can only offer Carnal Solutions to many of mankind’s Spiritual Problems!

PSYCHIATRY & PSYCHOLOGY: Substitutes the Humanistic word - SICK for the Bible word - SIN! [Phobias for Fears, etc.]

PSYCHIATRY & PSYCHOLOGY: Is sophisticated, subtle, and seductive; clever, carnal, and coercive! [Who is like that?]

PSYCHIATRY’S & PSYCHOLOGY’S: Mode of Operation is Worldly – Based on fear, intimidation, coercion, and force! [Who uses these methods?]

PSYCHIATRY & PSYCHOLOGY: Gives the impression that those (clients, patients, victims) who are “treated” - “live happily ever after”.

PSYCHIATRY & PSYCHOLOGY: Is based on fanciful theories, fallacious suppositions, false assumptions, myths & mistaken beliefs. In essence it is artifactual, probabilistic, flawed, fallacious, speculative,, hypothetical, simplistic, fictional Humanist Philosophy.

According to the Bible, our (mankind’s) problems are NOT in our heads, or specifically in our brains (as Psychiatrists & Psychologists "believe"). Mankind needs a change of HEART, which always entails an act of our will – NOT to alter our brain by taking a PILL!

PSYCHIATRY & PSYCHOLOGY: (in whatever Form or Expression) in the church or any other so-called Christian institution amounts to Doctrinal Leaven, i.e. Heresy!

OBSERVE – Human Behavior - mostly in a Clinical Setting.

PREDICT – Human Behavior -With a great deal of uncertainty [Example: Profiling - which is based on the study and observation of human behavior, and is only partially successful]

CONTROL – Human Behavior - through Lobotomies, Electric Shock Treatment, Drugs, and/or Suggestion (Psycho-Therapy). However again, with a tremendous amount of uncertainty, and only partial success, and depending almost completely on the patient’s (i.e. client’s) willingness to cooperate and not so much on the “Doctors” (psychiatrist’s\ psychologist’s) education, ability, talent, credentials, or choice of treatment”.

“WHY” – It is unable to tell us WHY! WHY do men do what they do? – The answer to WHY is found only in the Bible. The Bible unequivocally testifies that all men and women are born into this world with a Sinful Nature. According to the Scriptures all of our faculties are spiritually defective - Our Hearts are Deceitful, Wicked, and Mad [Jeremiah 17:9; Ecclesiastes 9:3]; our Minds are Wicked, Reprobate, Carnal, Defiled, and Corrupt [Proverbs 21:27; Romans 1:28; Romans 8:7; Titus 1:15; 2Corinthians 11:3; 1Timothy 6:5; 2Timothy 3:8]; and our Consciences are Seared, Defiled, and Evil [1Timothy 4:2; 1Corinthians 8:7; Titus 1:15; Hebrews 10:22].

No other book on earth testifies to the true nature of man as the Bible does. The Bible holds the only key to a true understanding of men and women, and WHY we do the things that we do – without excusing our behavior or dismissing personal responsibility.
[Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:]

God created only one man and then one woman from that man. We are Adam’s children, born in his image (sinful-imperfect-corrupt) and although mankind has a residue of the original creation, we must be born again in order to become true sons of God, and eventually regain the true image of God as Adam was originally created.


Psychiatry’s and Psychology’s main objective is to alienate people from relationships that occur “naturally” to create an “unnatural” pseudo-relationship (paid for by the client - of course!) between the patient (client) and “doctor”- resulting in the alienation of: children from their parents; husbands from their wives, or (more often) wives from their husbands; and friends and loved ones from each other - annulling natural affection for a substitute (paid) relationship.

“Coincidentally”, the Educational Institutions (Schools – Public i.e. read - Government, Private, & “Christian”; Colleges & Universities – Government, Private, & “Christian”) have succeeded in doing exactly the same thing!

With the introduction of Psychiatric\Psychological Concepts & Counseling in the church, God’s words are being replaced by “philosophy and vain deceit” ["Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." Colossians 2:8], resulting in the alienation of God’s people from God!

Interestingly enough, today’s “Imperial Pastor” operates under the same modus operandi as psychiatrists and psychologists – by claiming to be the one and only “God-called and Spirit-filled head” of the local church (read: “trained expert”) able to “interpret” Scripture for the laity; by making the impudent attempt to replace the guidance of the Holy Spirit in God’s church; and by trying to displace the Lord Jesus Christ as THE ONE AND ONLY HEAD OF HIS CHURCH! Resulting in the alienation of God’s people from God!

If any man or woman (lost or saved) living today doesn’t think that Humanism is all that important; or that it’s not worth while looking into; or that it hasn’t affected them - they are kidding themselves and they will come under it’s pernicious influence (whether they know it, or admit it or not). The Apostle Paul once stated an obvious truth that was at least known by himself and the Corinthian Christians in his day:

[2 Corinthians 2:11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.]

This same truth is practically unknown amongst Christians today.

Humanism is Satan’s Grand and final Deception - the pernicious Leaven that has made its way into nearly all the world; which has corrupted every single principle and precept that God Almighty has revealed in His Holy Word. Sad to say this depraved and wicked influence (leaven) is corrupting God’s people and the churches at a faster pace and in a broader context than ever before.

The Humanist Manifesto’s I, II, & III reveal just exactly what the Humanists believe and How they intend to implement their “beliefs” and “impose” them on every single human being on this planet – ignore them at your peril, and at your children’s peril! It’s a “free country” (for a little longer) - you can choose to believe what I have presented here; or you can choose to ignore it – “ignorance is bliss”; but you won’t ever be able to say I haven’t “warned” you.

"Then said I, Wisdom is better than strength: nevertheless the poor man's wisdom is despised, and his words are not heard." Ecclesiastes 9:16

“He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.” Proverbs 18:13

"Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom." Psalms 51:6
Old 04-09-2008, 07:07 PM
Posts: n/a

Actually I agree with your whole overall statement, and it's very thorough and well done, though I never put all that under the one title Humanism before. It may be the most useful category, I have to think about that, but I certainly have no quarrel with your analysis itself. I guess I'm just more aware these days of the swiftness of the takeover of Cultural Marxism with its specific effect of redefining freedom to include outright sin, and even more aware of the New Age religions with their direct demonic influence that are swamping us, such as what Oprah Winfrey is doing this year in promoting three teachings that directly contradict the gospel of Christ, and really, also some directions in some of the churches, in the signs and wonders movement. Evil takes many channels it seems to me, but maybe Humanism is the main one or the best title for the whole collection.

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