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Old 03-01-2008, 09:41 PM
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Default Crudens Concordance

Having heard that "Strong" of the famous Strong’s concordance was a liberal who denied inspiration. Any thoughts on the Cruden's concordance

This was Spurgeons main source book.

"Charles Spurgeon found Cruden's invaluable. A handwritten note found in Spurgeon's personal copy reads: 'For these few years this has been the book at my left hand when the word of God has been at my right. What a precious assistant.' "

Old 03-01-2008, 09:55 PM
sting of truth
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never heard of crudens, but i am going to pick up a thayers in the future.. i already got my strongs lexicon [concordance]
Old 03-01-2008, 10:19 PM
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I have never heard that about Strong and would love some actual documentation on that. Thayer was a Unitarian, who did not believe in the deity of Christ.
Old 03-01-2008, 10:23 PM
sting of truth
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well, no concordance, or lexicon, or dictionary, or commentary can improve anything about the kjv, they are just tools to help us understand the bible, and do contain errors.. the king james bible however, is error free
Old 03-01-2008, 10:39 PM
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Granted - but you are not going to learn much Bible truth out of a corrupt tool.
Old 03-01-2008, 10:52 PM
sting of truth
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Originally Posted by jerry View Post
Granted - but you are not going to learn much Bible truth out of a corrupt tool.
how true that is.. you won't learn much.. but then again they [tools] are all corrupt in some way shape or form, or rather the person who created them is..
Old 06-08-2008, 06:39 PM
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Originally Posted by jerry View Post
Granted - but you are not going to learn much Bible truth out of a corrupt tool.
Haha, Amen Brother. One could even eat from a dumpster for some time but it's not advisable. Let us all stand fast and hold on solely to the glorious Word of God (our eternal manna from heaven), the King James Bible!

a brother in Christ Jesus,
Old 03-09-2008, 08:46 PM
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Originally Posted by jerry View Post
I have never heard that about Strong and would love some actual documentation on that. Thayer was a Unitarian, who did not believe in the deity of Christ.
Aloha brother jerry,

Check out

Brother Tim Mortan has an excellent article: "The Weakness of Strong" that may answer some of your questions.

I have used Young's and Strong's Concordances (until Swordsearcher came along) for over 40 years. but I never used them as a Dictionary - not once.

For most "Old English" words I have used Webster's 1828 Dictionary - However, when it comes to any words that may have significant spiritual meaning I always use the Bible only (words like: soul, spirit, heart, mind, conscience, etc.). When it comes to spiritual meanings of some words Noah Webster may not have understood their meaning - because God may not have shown him.

Yours for Him and for His word,
Old 03-10-2008, 02:52 PM
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Here is some information about Alexander Cruden, he is the guys that made the Cruden's Bible Concordance. He seemed like an OK guy. her did have his issues. Back in those days making a concordance was not an easy task. I think he did a good job. I'd recommend Cruden's Bible Concordance to anyone. It is a good Bible tool. It is also very low cost. I like it better than Strong's Concordance. I also think he was a better man. I'd trust a proofreader and bookseller over many Professor of exegetical theology like Dr. Strong. That is just my point of view. Most all Professor's are libs and could not make it if they had to get a real job in the real world. Dr. Strong also did not do the work by himself.

James Strong did not construct Strong's Concordance by himself; it was constructed with the effort of more than a hundred colleagues.
Alexander Cruden did all of the work. I respect that myself.

Cruden worked alone from 7am to 1am every day and completed the bulk of the work in less than a year.


Last edited by atlas; 03-10-2008 at 02:55 PM.
Old 03-10-2008, 07:10 PM
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Cruden's doesn't give definitions, does it? It also does not contain every word in the Bible. Even if someone doesn't use the lexicons at the back, Strong's is better because you can use it to find every occurence of a particular word.

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