Originally Posted by Steven Avery
Hi Folks,
If only the autographs "were inspired", if all inspiration is past, then nobody has had a fully inspired Bible ever .. in any time, language or place.
Steven Avery
It kills me how those who claim only the "originals" were inspired can not ever show me, point out to me

where in my King James it is not inspired. Of course it does look like a piece of tattered papyrus.
I'm no scholar............reading here alot of you guyz are far more knowledgeable than me, yet I would suggest any person who is not under a Final Authority is a dangerous person (handling God's Word)............why? Because he's in charge, any decision he/she makes will be made for his/her own self--- not based on God's word.
A KJB Summit................? For what it's already been settled. If you take the first letter and the last letter off SIN--- that pretty well describes it.
Yea hath God said............