Aloha brother Gary,
I'm with you 100% per cent of the way brother!

The Bible is it's own "BEST DICTIONARY"! And when it comes to spiritual issues NEVER trust Webster, or Strong, or some Lexicon. The following are some comments (on this Forum) that I have made before on this subject:
"For most "Old English" words I have used Webster's 1828 Dictionary - However, when it comes to any words that may have significant spiritual meaning I always use the Bible only (words like: soul, spirit, heart, mind, conscience, etc.). When it comes to spiritual meanings of some words Noah Webster may not have understood their meaning - because God may not have shown him."
"I did not obtain these definitions from Webster's Dictionary or Strong's Concordance or any book, article, etc. written by another man. When it comes to spiritual matters Webster & Strong are very little help, since only God can give us the discernment, understanding, and wisdom to understand His words. These definitions are the result of searching the Scriptures for over a year in pursuit of a study that I have done on the Biblical heart of man:"
"Webster's 1828 English Dictionary may be of some "help" when looking up a so-called "archaic" English word; but I have made it a practice, for over 40 years now, that whenever a word in the Bible has any "spiritual significance" at all, to never trust Webster or the Lexicons - instead I have relied on the Holy Spirit to reveal to me what God has to say about a particular subject or issue by searching the scriptures and comparing scripture with scripture."
"I have been studying the King James Bible for 50 years now (40 of those years intensively). From 1968 up to 1996 I used either Young's Concordance or Strong's Concordance to look up English words in the Bible and to compare scripture with scripture (NEVER as a Lexicon i.e. to get the "meanings" of words). I can testify to you here and now that using Swordsearcher hasn't made my study just 10 times faster and more convenient - it has made my Bible study anywheres from 10 to 100 times faster and more convenient!"
"The word “spirit” (pertaining only to mankind – and excluding God’s Spirit or evil spirits, etc.) is mentioned approximately 144 times in 134 Verses in the Holy Bible. To accurately describe something that we cannot see, but accept by faith in the Scriptures, is extremely difficult. Webster’s Dictionary of 1828 is not that much help here either, because of the difficulty distinguishing between the soul and spirit (Check out Webster's "definition")."
When it comes to any word in the Bible which has any
spiritual significance I do NOT recommend going to Webster's Dictionary. Search out the words (Scripture with Scripture) to find God's definition. When you have determined in your heart, mind, spirit and soul what the meaning is, you might check out Webster's as a comparison - but I recommend that you do not go to Webster's first - it might "influence" your search (without even knowing it.)
For your information, when it comes to the Biblical words soul, spirit, heart, mind, and conscience, Webster's will not be much help. Looking up the words and comparing Scripture with Scripture will give you a much more "accurate" definition than Webster.