06-21-2009, 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by PaulB
Can anyone help me with a couple of questions?
Many of the KJB critics I have encountered have thrown the following statements at me concerning its validity.
The word "heaven" in Geness one is a mistake that should be rendered as "heavens" - How do I answer them?
Also, the different spelling of names Elias (NT) - Nebuchadrezzar (Jer) ect.
Also; Has anyone taken a look at this site:
Some interesting stuff on it!
Some teach that in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. That was in the previous age. He destroyed that heaven and earth age because of the rebellion of Satan. Then, this present second age began....hence...heavens plural.
The difference in the spelling, I believe, is just the difference in Hebrew and Greek...example...Noah/Noe.