Originally Posted by tonybones2112
Beth, while in the street ministry I and others have had rocks thrown at us, I was hit with a ziplock baggie of urine, we were cursed, threatened, had the cops called on us, one brother had a knife pulled on him, that was not in Mecca, that was in Dayton Ohio.
I don;t even consider "Islam" a religion, but the Stone Age cries of a pack of drug-induced savages.
Always remember and never forget: When we suffer for doing what is right by God and His words, we know we are doing what is right.
Grace and peace
Dear Tony, being in a street ministry must be difficult. I have no idea as to the threats and dangers that come with being a street preacher, but, I do admire anyone who can put up with all that.
I will always remember that we are blessed when people hate me and revile me for talking about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And, that there is no NEW temptation that will present itself to me, that has not already been victoriously wrestled to the ground by Christians before me.
(on another subject...you know what's bugging me right now? That idiotic smilie that keeps dropping his jaw down. I wish I could turn it off, or type faster!

How long were you in a street ministry, and how many others were with you, on an average night? Did you have to get a permit, or did the police question you?