Originally Posted by bondservant40
I am curious what everyone's favorite KJV defense books are. I've read many, but there are a few that stand out to me.
Two questions:
1. What are your personal favorites?
2. If different, which book(s) do you think are best to give someone that knows nothing about the subject?
Here are my personal favorites sitting on my shelf:
The King James Defended By Edward Hills
Final Authority by Dr. William Grady
Defending the Bible by Pastor DA Waite
In Awe of Thy Word by Gail Riplinger
I think if I was going to give someone a book on the topic that knew nothing about the Bible version controversy, it might be "Crowned With Glory"
If I was debating with someone that thought they knew a lot about the subject and was on the modern version side, I would think about giving them "The Identity of the New Testament Text" by Pickering.
thanks in advance for your thoughts! 
Aloha sister Bondservant 40,
Please check out this Link and it will "link you up" to several links dealing with this subject.
Personally, after thoroughly studying this issue for over 40 years, I believe that the very best
first "Introductory" book on the issue of "Which Bible" - is: "
Forever Settled" by Dr. Jack Moorman, or the "
Bible Version Manual" by Donald T. Clarke (if you can find it).