Aloha brother Howard,
I have read most of your Posts (since you joined the Forum) and find myself in agreement with you - "most of the time".
*I bet that disagreement is over the first water baptism in the Bible:
*Le 8:6 And Moses brought Aaron and his sons, and washed them with water.
I agree with your statement:
Please check out this link on the AV1611 Bible Forums <> Bible Versions <> "Inspiration of Scripture": I cannot speak for everyone on this Forum, but I too believe that God's word (words) are as much "inspired" today as they were when the "Originals" were penned; and they can be found (without error) in the King James Bible. [
John 6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.]
*You merely echo Job 32:8 my friend, God inspires understanding and He ain't quit, has He? The Mormons and Catholics teach he has not closed the canon for their "Popes" and "Profits", er, "Prophets". We know He stopped there. But has He quite forming babies in wombs? Is inspiration a trance Paul went in or did God speak to Jeremiah PERSONALLY? See, two Christians dialogue and already we have given birth to The Magic Trance Theory, lol. Sure, we're not Charasmatics, but look at an infant and tell me, is that supernatural or natural? If the words of a KJV work effectually in the life of a sinner to bring him or her to the gospel, and then give them understanding of it, is that natural, ot supernatural? Is the KJV then not the word of God? I seen it, it worked effectually in me. What is supernatural? A magic trance where Scripture is written by automatic writing or is it the Whole Counsel of God, 20 copies of it each at Odd Lots and The Dollar Store?
I also agree with your following statement:
But their is also another "fraud" (besides the "original manuscript fraud") taking place within believers ranks: "The Textus Receptus (TR) & Majority Text debate", which claims that there is
no perfect "
translation" of God's word (words), and never has been; and that God's word can only be found in the "original
language" in the "manuscript tradition" - that is: "
somewhere's" amongst the thousands of manuscripts (either in the TR or the Majority Text -
NOT the "
minority text") God's word can be found.
*Then if the word of God can no longer be found or reconstructed there has been NO salvation since it deconstructed, correct? See the corner Gary Hudson and James White paint themselves into? I communicated with Hudson decades ago and never said a word about marriage, divorce, remarriage or salvation being different in different ages, just made it plain I was KJV Only and got branded a "Ruckamnite". I don't mind, Dr. Ruckman ain't Ahab or Absolom.
Since the "original manuscript" hoax has been proven to be a fraudulent "straw dog" (at least amongst those who have examined the issue) a new "straw dog" had to be erected to take its place - hence the "original language/manuscript tradition" argument.
*Old Wine In New Bottles.
Your quote:
After 20 years of studying the "Which Bible" issue and studying: the History of the Old & New Testament Texts; the History of the transmission of the Scriptures during the church age; the manuscript evidence; and a thorough comparison of the "bible versions" with The King James Bible; it was the internal evidence (what does God say about His word) that finally convinced me, and I too came to the same conclusion that you reached (I'm a bit slow

); and was finally and fully convinced, from God's Holy word itself (The King James Bible), that the Book that I had held in my hands since October 1958 was truly God's Holy, word - inspired, perfect, infallible, and without error.
*I agree. Fuller showed 262 out of 264 manuscripts for I Tim. 3:16 read as the KJV. That ain;t waht convinced me. It was Romans 10:17.
If you check out my Thread on the AV1611 Bible Forums <> Bible Versions <> "Why I Believe in the King James Bible" you will find a complete statement of my conviction:
* That I will do brother George.
I want to welcome you to the forum and encourage you to "relax" - your amongst friends. I too have grown "weary" of
battling with the "brethren", and although we may disagree on some issues (as I have with some of the brethren here), we tolerate "disagreement" amongst friends - what we do not tolerate is clear, blatant
heresy; academic "elitism"; cheap-shots; false accusations; or name-calling.