I Haven't finished reading all the info you have your site yet. But Understanding our time measurement was only made 6000 years ago. puts us it quandary, as we would have to admit that there is indeed a different time system than ours and that it is based on Eternity.
I am still exploring the all avenues of the Gap theory. I have been known to change my mind on somethings when I have gotten more info.
Stephan try not to offend and be offended so easily. Death and Destruction in our 24/7 Time Quantum did start less than 6000 years ago. remember Lucifer and his angels never died. here is a quote from George for you to remember
Originally Posted by George
I too have grown "weary" of battling with the "brethren", and although we may disagree on some issues (as I have with some of the brethren here), we tolerate "disagreement" amongst friends - what we do not tolerate is clear, blatant heresy; academic "elitism"; cheap-shots; false accusations; or name-calling. 