01-13-2009, 03:43 AM
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 462
Hi Folks,
Originally Posted by Tandi's friend
The masoretes record 134 instances where they intentionally changed the name of God (YHWH) to Elohim or Adonai in the process of de-anthropomorphizing a text.
First things first. Ask him precisely and exactly what is recorded by the Masoretes, not what is the Bullinger interpretation of Ginsburg or what is the conjecture or explanation of a higher criticism modern scholar. The primary source info is very helpful when you hit such theories.
Originally Posted by Tandi's friend
Often the original placement of YHWH is evident from the LXX or the DSS where the change (a subtraction from the "word of God" if you will) is in the King James...
First, how many verses are we examining ? He seems to be saying that the King James Bible has LORD in dozens of verses where it is not in the Masoretic Texts. Could we have a list of those verses ? Is he 'demonstrating' the first claim about 134 verses by giving a case that looks at 134, 100, 50, 10, 2 verses - or what ?
Last edited by Steven Avery; 01-13-2009 at 03:49 AM.