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biblereader 05-24-2009 09:35 AM

California Wants to Stop Home Bible Groups
Click here to read:


Interesting poll, too:

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buzzoff1031 05-24-2009 11:09 AM

I pray this doesn't in the direction I think it will...

tonybones2112 05-24-2009 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by biblereader (Post 20539)
Click here to read:


Interesting poll, too:

oops, forgot to check the box below

If it was a Catholic catechism class or a Koran study, it would be no problem.

This is a violation of the California state constitution and the US Constitution and they should file a civil rights complaint with the FBI. This is a violation of their free practice of religion and right to peaceable assembly. It bothers me for them, but not for me, because I renounced my citizenship in this hellholthe day my mother was pulled, screaming, from her own home and confined to a "nursing home" against her will and she and I lost our home and everything she and dad and I worked for.

Every single freedom we have lost in this hellhole is because the sheep let them take them. A constitution is only as good as the people willing to stand for it and resist to stop it's infringement. We have a choice now of boycotting any economic product coming out of the state of California because unless a hue and a cry is raised, Memorial day of 2010 will be flowers on the graves of soldiers who died in vain, and on the grave of your Constitutional RIGHT to free practice of religion.

Fundamentalists in America have a choice of holding Bible study in your homes openly or secretly in the sewers. Thr Pilgrims fled England, we have nowhere to flee to.

Grace and peace


Luke 05-24-2009 02:37 PM

You can come to New Zealand :)

Bro. Parrish 05-24-2009 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by tonybones2112 (Post 20545)
If it was a Catholic catechism class or a Koran study, it would be no problem...

True, I wonder how they feel about Tupperware parties... :rolleyes:

biblereader 05-26-2009 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by buzzoff1031 (Post 20542)
I pray this doesn't in the direction I think it will...

Why aren't Christians complaining to their congressmen, and senators?

biblereader 05-26-2009 07:30 AM

If it was a Catholic catechism class or a Koran study, it would be no problem.
Why not?
That falls under freedom of religion practices.

my mother was pulled, screaming,
that sounds more like Communist countries...why was she forced into a nursing home? Were they saying she was neglected, or a danger, what?


Originally Posted by tonybones2112 (Post 20545)
If it was a Catholic catechism class or a Koran study, it would be no problem.

This is a violation of the California state constitution and the US Constitution and they should file a civil rights complaint with the FBI. This is a violation of their free practice of religion and right to peaceable assembly. It bothers me for them, but not for me, because I renounced my citizenship in this hellholthe day my mother was pulled, screaming, from her own home and confined to a "nursing home" against her will and she and I lost our home and everything she and dad and I worked for.

Every single freedom we have lost in this hellhole is because the sheep let them take them. A constitution is only as good as the people willing to stand for it and resist to stop it's infringement. We have a choice now of boycotting any economic product coming out of the state of California because unless a hue and a cry is raised, Memorial day of 2010 will be flowers on the graves of soldiers who died in vain, and on the grave of your Constitutional RIGHT to free practice of religion.

Fundamentalists in America have a choice of holding Bible study in your homes openly or secretly in the sewers. Thr Pilgrims fled England, we have nowhere to flee to.

Grace and peace


biblereader 05-26-2009 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by Luke (Post 20548)
You can come to New Zealand :)

Is New Zealand free? Can you own guns, and bring a bible to school?

Winman 05-26-2009 01:52 PM

Boy, you know Christians have been saying it's the end forever. But how can it be very far off? Pretty soon they are going to be breaking down the door at midnight dragging us away.

That's OK, Jesus promised to come and take us away. It can't be far off.

biblereader 05-26-2009 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Winman (Post 20728)
Boy, you know Christians have been saying it's the end forever. But how can it be very far off? Pretty soon they are going to be breaking down the door at midnight dragging us away.

That's OK, Jesus promised to come and take us away. It can't be far off.

Winman, I don't want to burst your security bubble, but, what makes you think we won't suffer any persecutions, or tribulations in this life, especially since the U.S. has been angering God for a long time now, being in love with many, many sins: abortion, pornography, taking Bible out of schools, banning school prayer, homosexual marriage, filth and degradation.
I do NOT believe for a minute that we who are born again will be raptured out before persecutions begin.
Why didn't Jesus take Paul, and Stephen, and for that matter, Shadrach, Mesach, and Abednego out before they suffered for their witness in Jesus Christ?
Stand FIRM brother! Put the whole armor of God on, hide the word of God in your heart, and learn to use the sword of the Spirit.

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