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illusionznc 12-13-2008 08:29 PM

What bible version to trust ?
I have studied and researched what bible version to trust for quite some time now. What I have discovered is nothing more that confusion on top of more confusion. No matter how much I search, or how close I think I am to the truth, there is always something present to contradict what is there. I had thought the 1611 king james bible would be the one, however, it contains the "Apocrypha" which is not considered to be devinely inspired, and even considered evil by some due to the referencing of being able to pay your way out of sin:

"Ecclesiasticus 3:30, Water will quench a flaming fire, and alms maketh atonement for sin.

Tobit 12:8-9, 17, It is better to give alms than to lay up gold; for alms doth deliver from death, and shall purge away all sin."

I dont believe the "Apocrypha" was ever in the original manuscripts, because the apocryphal books were never acknowledged as sacred scriptures by the Jews, custodians of the Hebrew scriptures (the apocrypha was written prior to the New Testament). In fact, the Jewish people rejected and destroyed the apocrypha after the overthow of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.

To make this as short as I can, somewhere, one king james version contains the truth. But the battle for which one is the question I feel we may never have the answer. The reason for this is, anytime you find data, history, or even professed experts on theology, there is always others of equal stature and/or historical value proving otherwise. It is even found in this forum by the disagreement on which version is the best. Time and evil has corrupted many things to include Gods Holy Word & my search for the truth will be everlasting until the end of my time.

PeterAV 12-14-2008 05:02 PM

More Study Needed

I have studied and researched what bible version to trust for quite some time now. What I have discovered is nothing more that confusion on top of more confusion. No matter how much I search, or how close I think I am to the truth, there is always something present to contradict what is there. I had thought the 1611 king james bible would be the one, however, it contains the "Apocrypha" which is not considered to be devinely inspired, and even considered evil by some due to the referencing of being able to pay your way out of sin:

"Ecclesiasticus 3:30, Water will quench a flaming fire, and alms maketh atonement for sin.

Tobit 12:8-9, 17, It is better to give alms than to lay up gold; for alms doth deliver from death, and shall purge away all sin."

I dont believe the "Apocrypha" was ever in the original manuscripts, because the apocryphal books were never acknowledged as sacred scriptures by the Jews, custodians of the Hebrew scriptures (the apocrypha was written prior to the New Testament). In fact, the Jewish people rejected and destroyed the apocrypha after the overthow of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.
Hi ilusionznc,
The Apocrypha is not scriptures even to the 1611 Translators, but the Apocrypha was considered of much Christian worth for extra reading in those days, also the pressure being from a background of the Catholic past and mindset playing a roll there as well.

To make this as short as I can, somewhere, one king james version contains the truth. But the battle for which one is the question I feel we may never have the answer. The reason for this is, anytime you find data, history, or even professed experts on theology, there is always others of equal stature and/or historical value proving otherwise. It is even found in this forum by the disagreement on which version is the best. Time and evil has corrupted many things to include Gods Holy Word & my search for the truth will be everlasting until the end of my time.
The definitive King James Bible is the God honouring, Pure Cambridge Edition.
Eventually all King James Bible folk will come aboard.
Once this move of unity happens, as it must, if God is to get the glory; Once this move of unity happens, much good will come, as the word goes out in the power of the Holy Ghost and the Christian is gladly being obedient to the call of God upon his or her life.
Every word of God is pure:

Bro. Parrish 12-14-2008 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by illusionznc (Post 13076)
I have studied and researched what bible version to trust for quite some time now. What I have discovered is nothing more that confusion on top of more confusion.

Well clearly, are studying in the wrong places, or perhaps you do not know God, because God is not the author of confusion. I figure with one post, you're either a troll (like several others who have popped up lately) or someone who honestly can be helped by this forum. Time will tell, I hope it's the latter... :)

illusionznc 12-14-2008 09:07 PM

I never once said God was the "author" of confusion, on the contrary, I believe satan is that culprit. I said what "I" have discovered was confusion on top of more confusion. I agree that maybe I am studying and researching in the wrong places, but you have to start somewhere in the search for the truth. I agree with PeterAV about the catholic mindset concerning the Apocrypha.

As for the response from "Bro. Parrish", I would be very careful in the choice of words you choose for people. You have no idea what my relationship to God is. And to even suggest I might not even know God is extremely judgmental on your part, and "For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again". And to refer to someone as even a possible "troll" is malicious and hateful. The Lord Jesus commanded us to love thy neighbor as thyself.

I have a relationship with God. And I pray to Him everyday! And you best believe He is with me every step of the way, even if I dont find the best translation of the bible. My trust is in the Lord. But, if that is the kind of responses I can expect in this forum, then it was a mistake to ever sign up here. My heart honestly hurts to know you could have even said such a thing, because it doesnt sound like something a christian should say.

Nevertheless, your forgiven. And to PeterAV, thank you very much, I will look into the pure cambridge edition, and I appreciate your heartfelt response. Had I not been sincere in seeking the truth, I would never have signed up here to begin with.

bibleprotector 12-14-2008 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by illusionznc (Post 13076)
I had thought the 1611 king james bible would be the one, however, it contains the "Apocrypha" which is not considered to be devinely inspired

The version-text and translation of the Scripture in the King James Bible (1611) is right. The Apocrypha is not Scripture (it is in its own section in 1611, and not printed with the other books).

If you think the King James Bible is right (which it is), then you should be able to find satisfactory explanations and answers to objections against it from people on this forum and on this website.

Someone might say, "The 1611 had the apocrypha, or there are many word changes since 1611, or the language used is not every day speech." Every one of these things can be easily answered. Even things like, "But new Greek manuscripts were discovered after 1611, or modern science has been able to discover more about ancient writings", etc. can all be shown in the right light.


somewhere, one king james version contains the truth
See PeterAV's answer in a post above.

MC1171611 12-14-2008 09:32 PM

First off, a person has to decide whether they want the truth, or whether they want their own way. God has given people what they wanted before (1 Kings 22:19-23), and if a person is not completely sincere in their desire to find the truth, they'll find exactly what they want to find.

One must also decide to trust God, and take Him at His word. He made more promises about His word than any other thing in the Book; it may sound like circular reasoning to believe the Bible because the Bible says that the Bible is right, but the element that changes the entire equation is faith. The people that don't believe that God preserved His words in one Book don't apply faith in God Himself and His ability to work through fallible man to accomplish what He promised.

When a person gets to the point where they seriously WANT the truth, and they BELIEVE God and what He said about His words, then the rest is easy. Spend some time on this forum, feel free to ask questions, and above all, search the Scriptures. Get e-Sword (or if you're Saved, get MacSword ;) ) and use it to search the Book for yourself. There is nothing more powerful than the built-in definition and cross-reference system in the King James Bible; there is nothing like it in the world.

God bless, and I hope that you will accept help from people who have been where you are and have been utterly convinced, beyond all doubt, reasonable or not, that the King James Bible is God's perfect, pure, preserved and inerrant word, given by inspiration of God.

Jeremy 12-14-2008 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by illusionznc (Post 13076)
I have studied and researched what bible version to trust for quite some time now. What I have discovered is nothing more that confusion on top of more confusion. No matter how much I search, or how close I think I am to the truth, there is always something present to contradict what is there. I had thought the 1611 king james bible would be the one, however, it contains the "Apocrypha" which is not considered to be devinely inspired, and even considered evil by some due to the referencing of being able to pay your way out of sin:

FWIW, I have just bought the Old Scofield Bible,and really like it.
Others will also suggest a Ryrie,Dake,Thompson Chain. All good.
At one point i had to stop listening to everyone else's opinions and do it,luckily my new pastor ordered the Scofield. Believe me,i have been just as confused as you and as frustrated in finding a Bible. Everywhere i turned,there was always something wrong with my decision on a KJ Bible.
Being in a church that uses 2 or 3 versions causes confusion,been there done that. This year i struggled with other versions,opened my mind up to it,but, always knowing the KJ as my foundation,even when others bought into the new improved god. You don't feel secure or comfortable.
If the Preacher doesn't know where he stands,the congregation will never know,nor will they feel confident in there belief of God. The Apocrypha is not recognized as part of our Bible. 66 books,Thats it.
I hope you can overcome this confusion and may God help you through it.

illusionznc 12-14-2008 10:00 PM

I absolutely agree, and I wholeheartedly agree the King James Bible as the sole authoritive doctrine. I trust in the Lord with all my heart and I am positive He will guide me to where I need to be. Satan is the master of confusion, but he has not confused me as to Gods word. Even without a bible at all anymore, the Holy Spirit still guides my heart.

What has confused me recently is, all the editions of King James bibles. I have not yet checked out this pure cambridge edition, but I do well plan to. I do however recognize the 1611 doctrine as pure with the exception of the Apocrypha which I prefer to stay away from for now. I had 2 bibles, one of which was a NIV & the other a NKJV. I burned them both because I believe them to be corrupt.

I hope that doesnt sound harsh, but its what my heart was telling me was right. Things had been changed, altered or completely removed in those editions and that overwhelming feeling inside me said this was wrong. I want a quality bible that will endure everyday reading, and I do want the absolute closest to the 1611 doctrine I can get, so long as it is still a king james bible. I do honestly want the truth & am not looking for what I want, but Gods will for me.

PB1789 12-14-2008 10:06 PM

Seek and ye shall find!
illusionznc:---- { oops; you posted a reply while I was composing mine..}

PeterAV gave you a couple of good answers above. If you have a question about the AV-1611 and the Apocrypha, then click over to the Section titled "Doctrine"---> Thread titled-----> "The Apocrypha". Scroll down to post #6 by Traditional Anglican and read what he posted. It's a good response. There is interesting historical information found in 1&2 Maccabees---which takes place during the "400 Silent Years".

I have a Oxford AV in paperback by Oxford Pubs. [ISBN # 0192835254] It has the Apocrypha in it, and that is why I ordered it... just to able to consult it when a Roman Catholic poster on another website likes to challenge me about Scripture/History/Tradition/Theology. It was never part of the Hebrew Canon (Measuring Stick). It was not viewed by the Anglicans as Canonical, but historical. Much of this information can easily be read by you on this information super-highway called "The internet"--- Try Wikipedia.

If you truly don't know--- almost all of us on this website read from a 1769 A.V. rather than the 1611. There were spelling updates, and typeset things ( like ss and ff ) and the 1769 does not hold the Apocrypha. Therefore--- Break open the tried and true AV/KJV 1769 and start reading at Genesis 1:1 .

BTW--- Your statement that because the AV-1611 contained the Apocrypha and it mentioned giving alms...and since alms are an "R.C". idea--- that would keep you from a Bible translation...

...would be akin to you refusing medical care at the Hospital Emergency Room if you are bleeding/choking... because your Grandma/Grandpa died at that Hospital 10 years ago... due to cancer/TB/diabetes.

P.S. Just read your new post above after posting my first Draft/Post--- I thought you were a spy/trouble maker from an NIV/Modernist mindset. There have been a couple here in the last 2 weeks.

I would suggest that if there is a Thrift Store/Used Book Store/Book store with used books, or a "Friends of the Library" sale that you browse and pick up one and see how the font and size works for you... There is a nice Oxford leather one which (I think) was called the Long Primer reference edition? (maybe) It was puurrfect in the hands and the printing was readable. Shop around.

bibleprotector 12-14-2008 10:15 PM

I write for any sincere seeker:


Even without a bible at all anymore, the Holy Spirit still guides my heart.
A person doesn't need to be a prophet to tell you that the Holy Ghost would not want you to have no Bible.

The Word of God is true, whether it has leather binding or not.

The text and translation of 1611 was correct. That same text and translation has been retained throughout various editions of the King James Bible, and is accurately presented in the Pure Cambridge Edition. Even though there is changes in spelling and other such things, the "real Word" is right here right now, not locked back in 1611.


What has confused me recently is, all the editions of King James bibles.
There is nothing confusing about it. It is clear that today we have the right text and translation the same as 1611, despite different editions over time. (There is an edition today which is being upheld as standard.)

"Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it." (Psalm 119:140).

illusionznc 12-14-2008 10:19 PM

I havent been sent to this website by anyone. I came here because I came across a link to it from searching other websites about the Authorized Version of 1611. My main concern is not with the Apocrypha at the moment, but true doctrine and scripture and what edition I can find it in. I'm not a one post wonder like your judging me as. And I definately wasnt sent by some publishing company. I drive a truck for an environmental company picking up hazardous and non hazardous waste and delivering it to disposal facilities. But if I am not welcome here, I can certainly go elsewhere where I will be welcome.

pneuby 12-14-2008 10:40 PM

Illusionist, don't fret too much.

I'm not of the the KJV mentality, and I've posted here several times in a sincere manner, with sincere questions. Mostly, I get sincere, albeit FIRM, responses.

Just be sincere, and you'll be tolerated. I'm not saying you'll find it a smooth road, but you'll find your answers. Mostly good brethern here, from what I've seen. :)

George 12-14-2008 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by illusionznc (Post 13160)
I havent been sent to this website by anyone. I came here because I came across a link to it from searching other websites about the Authorized Version of 1611. My main concern is not with the Apocrypha at the moment, but true doctrine and scripture and what edition I can find it in. I'm not a one post wonder like your judging me as. And I definately wasnt sent by some publishing company. I drive a truck for an environmental company picking up hazardous and non hazardous waste and delivering it to disposal facilities. But if I am not welcome here, I can certainly go elsewhere where I will be welcome.

Aloha illusionznc,

If some people on this Forum seem to be a bit "touchy" it's just because we have had several "troublemakers" join the Forum lately and we may be a wee bit "jumpy". :welcome:

Please stick around for awhile and browse through the many fine "Threads" and "Posts" dealing with practically anything of importance to a Christian.

If you care to - I have posted a few essays about the Bible on the Forum that you might want to check out:


These two Threads may help you in your search for the truth. Stay awhile, you may actually get to like some of us. :)

illusionznc 12-14-2008 11:30 PM

Thank you for the references. I will definately read them. As for people on the forums being touchy or jumpy, I can certainly understand. It does not excuse us however from scripture. I believe the Lord tells us to be quick to listen and slow to speak or anger. Like my Heavenly Father freely forgives me, I also freely forgive them. I will not however, remain in the company of a person or persons or a website where I am verbally abused.

With that said, I hope we can enjoy the congregation of one anothers company and continuous worship of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

Bro. Parrish 12-14-2008 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by illusionznc (Post 13156)
I absolutely agree, and I wholeheartedly agree the King James Bible as the sole authoritive doctrine.

Well brother, that's a good start, keep studying the KJV and your confusion will be gone in no time, because the KJV is the inerrant, inspired Word of God and it's being preserved for you even today! No one is angry at you---as I said before, I hope you can honestly be helped by this forum! And I can pretty much assure you, no one gets verbally abused here unless they verbally abuse God's Word and seek to confuse others with false teachings, and I think we've had a belly full of that in the past week. Let me be among the first to say without reservation: welcome to the forum! :)

illusionznc 12-15-2008 01:40 AM

I have looked into the "Pure Cambridge Edition". I have compared it to a Nelson King James Bible. All the things to look for in the "Pure Cambridge Edition" listed on http://www.bibleprotector.com/purecambridgeedition.htm, such as :


It is important to have the correct, perfect and final text of the King James Bible, since there are correctors (e.g. publishers) who have changed some aspects of King James Bible texts. The final form of the King James Bible is the Pure Cambridge Edition (circa 1900), which conforms to the following:

1. “or Sheba” not “and Sheba” in Joshua 19:2

2. “sin” not “sins” in 2 Chronicles 33:19

3. “Spirit of God” not “spirit of God” in Job 33:4

4. “whom ye” not “whom he” in Jeremiah 34:16

5. “Spirit of God” not “spirit of God” in Ezekiel 11:24

6. “flieth” not “fleeth” in Nahum 3:16

7. “Spirit” not “spirit” in Matthew 4:1

8. “further” not “farther” in Matthew 26:39

9. “bewrayeth” not “betrayeth” in Matthew 26:73

10. “Spirit” not “spirit” in Mark 1:12

11. “spirit” not “Spirit” in Acts 11:28

12. “spirit” not “Spirit” in 1 John 5:8

All of these things are correct as mentioned on the site in the Nelson King James Bible except the word "cleft" was changed to "cliffs" in one verse. The reason I dont want to read the Nelson Bible I used to compare with, is because of the footnotes and references (It is a study bible). From what I have read in the forums, the footnotes can sometimes not be correct interpretations, therefore, I would prefer not to have them, and trust God to give me the correct interpretation.

I would like to know a little more in detail what difference there is from the Pure Cambridge Edition & the 1769 King James Version & the 1611 version, and whether or not the Pure Cambridge Edition contains the Apocrypha, and is the Pure Cambridge edition the same thing as the AV of 1611 ? I think if that can be answered for me, my decision will be made. And I want to thank everyone that has responded for their help! It has helped me alot in my goal for the truth.

bibleprotector 12-15-2008 06:20 AM

There are two things. One is the doctrine of having a pure Bible today. The other is the more detailed examination of editions. Learning about Psalm 12 and other passages is foundational. If you can see that God's promises include the presence of His Word today, such as by 1 Peter 1:23, 25 and other verses, that is good.

In regards to the other more scientific issues, the Apocrypha was/is part of the 1769 Edition and there is the Apocrypha for the PCE. Most KJBs do not print it though. Basically it has long been removed from taking up space in our Bibles for both spiritual and economic reasons. In reality, the Apocrypha does not constitute part of the Scripture, nor is it an essential part of the KJB. Therefore, even big sized Bibles do well to omit it (when long ago they did not).

There is one VERSION, which is a set of words based on the original languages, from 1611. This VERSION includes 1 John 5:7, etc. Differences in the construction of the underlying text would equal a different VERSION.

Likewise, there is one TRANSLATION, which is the turning of the Scripture from the original languages into English.

However, there are many different printings of the King James Bible, which are all different editions or impressions. And there are times when the early printing errors were corrected, or when there was an effort to standardise the spelling, etc., which is the definition of a MAJOR EDITION. These MAJOR EDITIONS exhibit a line of purifying from 1611 to 1769 and beyond. KJB editions today are based on the 1769 Edition, but all exhibit further small changes, differences or peculiarities. Of these, the Cambridge Edition has been seen as standard, and although there are tiny differences in Cambridge printings, there is one which is recognised as the "final standard".

Jesus said, "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." (Matt. 5:18). This is one verse which shows how important every letter is. Another is, "Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him." (Proverbs 30:5). Another is, "But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." (Matt. 4:4).

Josh 12-15-2008 09:28 AM

:welcome: illusionznc!! Glad to have you here!

First off, I wouldn't worry too much about different KJ editions. Just about any good KJB today will be correct. There are a few exeptions, of coarse. Like the New Scofield, which is neither a KJ or a Scofield. But most good publishers text is just fine.

If you're getting a new Bible, I strongly recommend getting a Thompson Chain Reference Bible. It has no notes, just the Bible, and over 100,000 references. So instead of reading someone's view of scripture, if you want to study further ino something you are given many references to other verses about the same thing. Best Bible I've ever had. It helps you study the Bible instead of an author's opinion. :)

Tmonk 12-15-2008 10:21 AM

My views my differ from others here, but "when in Rome, be a Roman". I personally prefer Cambridge or Oxford editions. One is hard pressed to find a transcription error in those two.

But if you collect such things I recommend a facsimile reprint of a 1611. You can get a Roman text type for $30 or a nice Gothic text print for $200 at the kjvstore.com.

PeterAV 12-15-2008 01:40 PM

Hi illusionznc,
You stated

My main concern is not with the Apocrypha at the moment, but true doctrine and scripture and what edition I can find it in.
You will find that mostly every King James Bible has true doctrine. But as you now know, that the PCE has eliminated every possibility of error in presentation.
It is presentationaly pure as it is docrinally pure.
But any KJB for that matter is an excellent Bible, albeit not presentationaly pure as the PCE. [Joshua 19:2]
I too was searching for the truth, even though I knew all about the various differences in the various King James Bible editions.
Why, even by the very same publishers in the very same years, would use different editions for printing.
I think that they either did not see any differences, or that they thought it was too inconsequential to do anything about it. Also certain publishers purposed to use certain spellings.
As far as the Apocryphal books in the King James Bible, this is not a big issue.
Even in 1611 the Apocryapha was not considered cannon.
Read the title page. Plus Apocrypha means something.
The various early King James Printers already were taking the Apocrypha out at very early dates. Other printers include them, even to this day arise the odd publisher's devotion to the Apocrypha in an ignorant way.
I do not know personally when the first Bible eliminated the Apocrapha from inside the covers of the Bible.
But I do remember DR. Ruckman stating that they started taking out the Apocrapha almost right away, even though many KJBs yet contained the Apocrypha.
I have the luxury of having a few old Bibles myself a couple for each century.
Some include it and others omit it.
1612 included -publisher= Robert Barker
1663 omitted -publisher= John Field [Cambridge]
1668-66 omited-publisher= John Field [Cambridge]
1726- included-publisher= John Baskett [Oxford]
1769- included-publisher= John Archdeacon [Cambridge]
1824- omitted-publisher= George Eyre and Andrew Strahan [London]
1890- omitted-publisher= Oxford
1917- omitted-publisher= Oxford [Scofield]
1937- omitted- publisher= W. Lewis M.A. [Cambridge]
1953-omitted-publisher=Collins [J.L.Clyde Lord Advocate]PCE
1986-included- publisher= Oxford Crown edition
2003-included-publisher= Hendrickson [1611 Faxcimile]
2007-omitted-publisher= Bible Protector [PCE]
Just because I have ones that omit the Apocrypha in certain years does not mean that there was no King James Bibles out there with the Apocrypha. Sometimes they printed more than one run in a year, and so even the very same publishers would sometimes[depending on their leanings and goals for the publication] print the Bible including the Apocrypha, while another printing does not.
Some printers never printed the Apocrapha while others would include it only for historical and study skae. Some include it because they think it should be there.
I do not agree to that and neither does most of true Christendom.
Every word of God is pure:

illusionznc 12-15-2008 01:48 PM

Thank you! I am convinced now the Pure Cambridge Edition circa 1900 is the one I should stick with. Where can i get this Bible in genuine leather ? And also, does it omit the Apocrypha ?

Tmonk 12-15-2008 02:09 PM




Only thing in the Apocrypha worth reading is 1st and 2nd Maccabees for the history.

PeterAV 12-15-2008 02:20 PM

PCE Available

Originally Posted by illusionznc (Post 13203)
Thank you! I am convinced now the Pure Cambridge Edition circa 1900 is the one I should stick with. Where can i get this Bible in genuine leather ? And also, does it omit the Apocrypha ?

Amen and Praise the LORD!
That is a huge correct step you have taken there.
Personally I don't know of any PCE Bibles yet that are truly verified that come out in leather form.
There have been a couple of men that have posted what they consider to possibly BE it, yet nothing in the hands as of yet, I believe.
I got hoodwinked by another, unsuspectingly of course, and I bought another KJB but was not PCE after-all.
I only know of two publishing the PCE knowingly. The American one may soon have a leather edition.
Bible Protector has been selling the PCE in a couple editions in the last year.
You can find the other Gentleman in the same vein on the Bible Protector website.
You can find older PCE Bibles in many second hand book stores.
Or even on Ebay one can get a plethora of almost anything one is searching for. One needs to educate some of them. But the word is getting out.
I found a Colins PCE, And a Cambridge Leather Teacher's edition PCE both on Ebay along with others. Some I have found in the local Sally Anne.[free]
Another area that many overlook is the various local Churches.
Many churches are abandoning the tried and tested Holy Bible yet they go searching for the latest new perversion to hit the streets.
I was sad to see the Salvation Army give up the Bible for these inaccurate modern versions.So then all those pew Bibles are useless, because no they don't do Bible reading together anymore. And the real Bibles gather dust.
Those Bibles are now mine and I get to use them to bless others.

Every word of God is pure:

illusionznc 12-15-2008 03:02 PM

It is disheartening this bible is not more readily available. Several google searches using different methods have only turned up the concord edition which doesnt seem to be quite the same. To have this Pure Bible, I feel my only alternative is to print off the pages, & hire a book maker. Something I cannot afford. It is a shame the truth must be so hard to obtain. I have looked at the links you have given, but none seem to specify that it is the Pure Cambridge Edition Circa 1900. I would love to have one that does not contain the Apocrypha, and is genuine leather, durable for everyday use. As it has been pointed out, there seems to be no known Bible in that fashion in print today. May God forgive and have mercy on us all !

bibleprotector 12-16-2008 12:49 AM

You will find links for leather bound PCEs in these two forum topics (read the whole way through first):



Tmonk 12-16-2008 04:40 AM

If your unsure about buying online, the only thing I can tell you is go to stores near you and check them out yourself. The last time I was in Lifeway there was an entire shelf with nothing but King James Bibles.

I cant tell you what a Cambridge 1900 has in the front saying what it is. My father and grandfather both have one but I never paid attention to any preface.

Just go see them with your own eyes.

bibleprotector 12-16-2008 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by PeterAV (Post 13207)
I found a Colins PCE, And a Cambridge Leather Teacher's edition PCE both on Ebay along with others.

Nice, Peter. I went to a quality second hand bookshop in my city a few months ago and picked up a largeish Collins "Teacher's Edition" as well as a "Teachers' Edition" from Cambridge next to it on the shelf. Both PCEs, excellent condition (probably gifts never used by former owners). I bought them for a bargin price too! In the past few years of looking around second hand shops around my state (Victoria, Australia), I have found quite a few PCEs. My plan is to scan a good one in and put it online.

illusionznc 12-16-2008 12:24 PM

I appreciate all the help you guys have given. I have examined all these links given. After reading through the forums and the links given, it still left me feeling as though people weren't even quite sure what they had found was the pure one. Seems like at least one person is still waiting on confirmation it is the pure one before he purchases it.

I have checked our local bookstore, the only thing they had interesting was a hardback cover copy of the 1611 edition king james bible with the apocrypha. It is a small bible store and doesn't have very much. Other than that, there really isn't a bookstore here except books-a-million at the mall. And I checked with them already. They can't even order anything like that for me.

I will continue checking bookstores when I travel and so forth and possibly I will get lucky someday.

Jeremy 12-16-2008 04:27 PM

What is PCE's?

stephanos 12-16-2008 05:00 PM

I tried to talk Lewis Bibles into printing the PCE, but they said their printer won't do it. I think that's absurd. How can a publisher get away with telling their customer "I can't print what you want"? Isn't that their job to print what is ordered? Good night. But I did sow a seed, and hopefully they'll think about this a bit and get back to me with news that they've changed their mind. :D I don't think you could find a better Bible than a Lewis PCE if one were ever printed.

Peace and Love,

stephanos 12-16-2008 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Jeremy (Post 13280)
What is PCE's?

Pure Cambridge Edition.


Peace and Love,

Bro. Parrish 12-16-2008 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by illusionznc (Post 13209)
It is disheartening this bible is not more readily available. Several google searches using different methods have only turned up the concord edition which doesnt seem to be quite the same. To have this Pure Bible, I feel my only alternative is to print off the pages, & hire a book maker. Something I cannot afford. It is a shame the truth must be so hard to obtain.

I'm not sure what to make of some of the posts on this thread.
Obviously from the post above, this fellow thinks in order to have God's pure Word he has to print it himself? He thinks God's Truth is "hard to obtain?"

GOD'S TRUTH is not hard to obtain, people. Find an Independent Baptist Church, contact the pastor and tell him you need a KJV, he will probably take up a collection or give you one! If that doesn't work, go down to a thrift store or a Wal-Mart and buy a KJV (any edition) and get on with the study of all the Truth you want. :)

stephanos 12-16-2008 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish (Post 13291)
I'm not sure what to make of some of the posts on this thread.
Obviously from the post above, this fellow thinks in order to have God's pure Word he has to print it himself? He thinks God's Truth is "hard to obtain?"

GOD'S TRUTH is not hard to obtain, people. Find an Independent Baptist Church, contact the pastor and tell him you need a KJV, he will probably take up a collection or give you one! If that doesn't work, go down to a thrift store or a Wal-Mart and buy a KJV (any edition) and get on with the study of all the Truth you want. :)

Yeah pretty much. There isn't much point in getting all worked up about a very short list of changes in most King James Bibles. Really, one could just get a Cambridge KJV and take a pen to it. Or just remember where those verses are that are restored in the PCE and call that good until someone takes up the task of printing a quality PCE.

I remember the feeling I got in my gut when I heard about the PCE. I was pretty depressed, but then I realized that it was just folly to worry about that. I've got the restored verse references at my disposal and can memorize those verses if need be.

So take brother parrish's advice, and get a good KJB (http://lcbplansing.org/Home/) and stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your soul.

Much Love in Christ,

Steven Avery 12-16-2008 08:54 PM

Hi Folks,

While I do not know about this poster, we see a lot of posters who are simply playing games about the purity and editions of the King James Bible. They just play charades.

If you are sympathetic to the Pure Cambridge Edition and get a 100%-in-order edition, excellent. If you are sympathetic and feel to watch out and correct certain verses from a generally fine edition (e.g. watching for 1 John 5:8) you will have an excellent Bible. If you use any King James Bible at all, your purity level will be a gazillion times higher than the ultra-corrupt modern versions, and a part of a gazillion times more pure than other various versions.

Again, I do not know about this recent poster, however we have seen a lot of foolishness from people with no pure Bible at all, not even remotely, who try to create a wedge among King James Bible defenders. Their game is sooo pitiful. They have nothing at all, and they pretend to be so concerned about all ways and always (that may be a real variant, or not, I am just giving an example).

Steven Avery

Billie 12-16-2008 09:24 PM

[QUOTE=Steven Avery;13295][COLOR="Navy"]Hi Folks,
If you use any King James Bible at all, your purity level will be a gazillion times higher than the ultra-corrupt modern versions, and a part of a gazillion times more pure than other various versions.<<<

AMEN!!! Steven.

A lot of new posters don't take advantage of the Threads that are up...if
they would scroll through them..they would see the excellent answers and
realize most of their questions are already answered.



bibleprotector 12-16-2008 10:57 PM


I remember the feeling I got in my gut when I heard about the PCE. I was pretty depressed, but then I realized that it was just folly to worry about that. I've got the restored verse references at my disposal and can memorize those verses if need be.
Right now there are all kinds of KJB editions around. The point is that people do not have to be at a loss, even if they are using, say, a Concord Cambridge Edition at Church. As long as people are aware, and willing to desire the pure, and that they do take it up and use it as God supplies to them, and as they seek for it. At any time people can check out the pure and accurate presentation by checking on their computer right now.

People should not be worried that their Bible might have a printer's mistake. Most books have printer's mistakes. The point is that God has worked besides that, and that we now have knowledge of exact accuracy. People are still going to use Scofield or Thompson and other tools even though they might have been using an Oxford or whatever edition for their text. Many KJBOs believe that the KJB is true, even though they might not have been using a PCE. (When I first fully believed the KJB was 100% accurate, I did not own a PCE. I did not, like most folk at the time, know that there was variations in KJB editions. That is why some anti-KJBO people have been able to sow doubt when they show people a 1611 edition and how "different" it is from today.)


GOD'S TRUTH is not hard to obtain, people. ... go down to a thrift store or a Wal-Mart and buy a KJV (any edition) and get on with the study of all the Truth you want.
It is better to have any KJB edition than no KJB at all. Maybe getting a temporary one for a few dollars, and look go get a PCE (hunt second hand places, buy them over the internet, you can get Cambridge Pitt PCEs from Allen Publishers, or Collins Popular PCEs through a variety of sites, etc.)

illusionznc 12-17-2008 12:54 AM

Right now I'm almost at a loss for words. I came across this website while looking at other websites about the Bible and different versions. I have asked some questions, and some of those questions have been answered, and some haven't. Some of you guys act like I don't pay attention to what you say. I have been to the other areas of this forum, checked out the links provided, and looked into everything people recommended. Some things were answered in other areas, and some things were not. Some things even after checking out the other parts of the forum still left me not quite understanding completely.

But some of you, (Bro. Parrish & Steven Avery) for example, act like I'm some spammer or waste of your time. Maybe I'm not as smart as you are when it comes to the Bible. And I'm sorry I may not know all your proper procedures on the forums, but you act like by me asking some questions that I'm upsetting some fragile balance in here.

I have received some less than hospitable responses in here that quite frankly kind of upset me at first, and then hurt my feelings. I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, and I may not be as smart as you are, but from some of the responses in here that I've seen, I would have to seriously question whether you were truly a christian. I have been nice to people, and only try to get some help with stuff I don't understand.

For the ones that have sincerely helped me, Thank You ! I do appreciate it from my heart. I will not forget the act of kindness you showed me. I don't know whats been going on around here before I registered, but It's not my fault bad people come here and start trouble. I'm not some "Poster" as you refer to me as. I'm a human being. Them kind of remarks is something I consider non-christian like. I think it was a mistake coming here.

But again, I sincerely thank all of you that helped me with some questions. Whenever I become more knowledgeable, I will remember your kindness, and pass it on to others.

Steven Avery 12-17-2008 05:09 AM

Hi Folks,


Originally Posted by illusionznc
some of you, (Bro. Parrish & Steven Avery) for example, act like I'm some spammer or waste of your time.

You misunderstood my post, where I specifically said that I did not know your motivations (twice). The fact is that we have had a few spammers, on this forum and others, who make mock complaints about the difficulty to find a pure Bible. And some of what they will say sounded similar "oh, no, I will have to print my own Bible" type of stuff. I very specifically could not discern whether you overlapped that group or were simply making deep and valid inquiries. Looking at the post of Brother Parrish I would say he had the same perplexity as I. Perhaps your quickness to actually understand the truths of the pure Bible, as a newbie, surprised us, understand that the game-players are common, so we are less ready for those quick to see.

If your questions were all earnest and heart-felt, that is great news. And my the Lord Jesus help you to have his pure and perfect word in your hand.

And may your sojourn here asking questions and getting responses be pleasant.

Steven Avery

Jeremy 12-17-2008 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by stephanos (Post 13283)
Pure Cambridge Edition.


Peace and Love,

This is all new to me,there is a lot on this forum that i have never seen or heard before.
Thank you Stephen.:)

Jeremy 12-17-2008 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish (Post 13291)
I'm not sure what to make of some of the posts on this thread.
Obviously from the post above, this fellow thinks in order to have God's pure Word he has to print it himself? He thinks God's Truth is "hard to obtain?"

GOD'S TRUTH is not hard to obtain, people. Find an Independent Baptist Church, contact the pastor and tell him you need a KJV, he will probably take up a collection or give you one! If that doesn't work, go down to a thrift store or a Wal-Mart and buy a KJV (any edition) and get on with the study of all the Truth you want. :)

Thank you Bro. Parrish. and thanks to the real KJ Bible Believers on this forum. Its hard to find a trusted website that still believes in Gods word.

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