Which Ruckman Commentaries?
I am fascinated by how much I am learning by listening to Dr. Ruckman's broadcasts and what sermons there are floating around online. Very interested in picking up a few of his commentaries and was wondering what the recommendations were from here to start with? George? Tony? Jassie? Anyone? :) Matthew, Acts and Revelation were my thoughts right now...? Thanks!! Beth (still in "sponge" mode! ;) |
Why not go for John, Romans and Paul's Church Epistles (Galatians - Colossians). The latter are all in one book. They are more practical for today than Matthew, Acts or Revelation :)
They have been a blessing to me. |
Great ideas Luke, thanks!
Did you gain a lot of insight from his commentary on the church epistles? Does he pull references from all over Scripture as he does in his sermons? |
Yup. There is also a lot of stuff I could do without, but I guess it is handy for some people. Sometimes he spends too much paper focusing on all the changes that other people make to the KJB, instead of what the KJB actually says.
Dr Ruckman is great to learn under but you must still be a Berean. I have found some things he said not to be totally true and something outright wrong to say
I love Ruckman's Bible Believer's Commentary series, I have almost all of them. I think the one on Genesis is my favorite, it's both funny and highly instructive at the same time. And if you ever get the chance to see him in person, don't miss it. |
But this will fill your head with dispensations and ages and times and stuff, but it won't do you any good for practical living. I think the living ought to come first, and then follow it up with some of the heavier things. That's why I suggested John, Romans and GEPC.
Ruckman's commentary on Genesis is full of doctrinal and practical teachings.
I have borrowed and read his commentary on Proverbs. I liked it! (I don't really own one of his commentaries though; but I got his other books from some generous people. Thanks!) |
I have all of Dr. Ruckman's commentaries also. So far, my favorite has been his commentary on Revelation. I really like reading his commentaries because he gives tons of cross references.
Chette: ah yes, I will continue to be a Berean - and thank you for the heads up here. :)
Luke: I like your practical approach. I think one of the commentaries I will pick up is the one on Gal-Col. :) I've been saved about 21 years and have (and do) eagerly devour God's Word, and books I can learn more about Him, or about His Word from. This forum has given me a perspective I've *never* had before and it's so thrilling to me! I am eager to hear what Dr. Ruckman has to say in multiple areas. As you stated though, the things pertaining to our Christian walk are the most important. It is far more important when we stand before him to have gotten our walk right then stand before Him with only our theology right. [By God's grace I pray we will stand before Him having both] ;) Bro Parrish and Biblestudent: funny you should mention Genesis! I was reading in it this morning and was thinking about ordering that commentary. He has a very unique perspective! Geologist: I have ordered (and am still awaiting) his book on dispensations - I was interested in Hebrews also. Is there anything you could tell me about it? Cody: I am eager to read his commentary on Revelation too! So many choices - lol! Praise God! :) Did you find his commentary and perspective in Revelation markedly different than others you had heard or read? How much detail did he go into? I praise the Lord for each of you. Thanks! |
Genesis, Matthew, Acts, and Revelation are Ruckman's best commentaries and are good for helping you learn to rightly divide the word and keeping you from false doctrine which is just as important as practical living. His others do not compare to these four.
http://www.amazon.com/Eight-Kingdoms.../dp/1892112620 |
Okay, I've compiled my list of commentaries that I want to get from Dr. Ruckman - thanks so much!
Looks like for now I can only get one at a time, so...I decided to start with Genesis, then Col-Gal, Matthew, Hebrews and Revelation and John. If I am really blessed I'll be able to pick up Acts and Romans along the way too. :D |
Man...Genesis and Revelation are both really good in my opinion. The practical vs doctrinal debate is dumb though. You need both. If you don't know the doctrine you can't be practical. Heck, when I started learning doctrine it motivated me in so many ways to serve God more. So if someone tries to make you feel "puffed up" if you like doctrine just keep reading anyhow. I had a Sunday school teacher a few years ago got our class into the doctrinal vs practical crap and ditched doctrine altogether. So many times have I heard "I know more Bible than I can live" as some type of pitiful attempt to avoid preaching/teaching doctrine. That spirit isn't of the Lord brother. Prove all things.
You better really watch someone when they start minimizing doctrine. Remember that the Lord mentioned doctrine FIRST in 2 Timothy 3:16. 2 Timothy 3:16 (KJV) 16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: |
In one of his tracts about pornography, he claims that any man that struggles with it or gives in to it is unsaved, without a doubt... |
Source http://www.nogreaterjoy.org/articles...ell/?tx_ttnews[backPid]=72&tx_ttnews[sViewPointer]=3&cHash=3fcb4c3db6 Sorry to go off topic, but the above is worrying. |
I've said before and I'll say again I've never met or listened to anyone that I agreed with everything they said whether it be Pearl, Ruckman, Cloud or anyone else. Having said that I've read Pearl's commentary on chapters 1 through 8 of Romans and it's the absolute best I've seen (unless you're into reformed theology) and I've listened to several of his Bible studies on various books of the Bible and he does not teach any form of sinless perfection regardless of what David Cloud says. He's KJV only, dispensational and pretty much reflects what folks like Ruckman teaches in his Bible studies. Pearl does take a pretty hard stance against pornogrpahy. He regularly teaches a Bible study at a prison so he sees first hand the results of porno. I don't generally defend folks, but anyone who takes a stand for the KJV (Pearl, Ruckman, Cloud) I will put in t a good word for them. Like I said before I have Ruckman's "Kingdom of God vs Kingdom of Heaven" book and its good, but Pearl's "Eight Kingdoms" is more indepth and has more scriptural references. |
1. His racist statements. 2. His denominational bias. 3. His taking commentary from other authors(as AW Pink in Genesis)without giving credit. My favorites were I&II Timothy & Titus and his commentary on Hebrews, Gal-Col. was good also. The worst is probably Genesis. His comments on Shem, Ham, and Japeth would delight any Klansman. His Bible types of Joseph and Christ came straight out of AW Pink's commentary. His commentaries are good to consult but his KJV defense books are much better. Grace and peace sister Tony |
Thank you for the heads up Tony. :)
God bless you |
I've read it. I've made it no secret on this forum that I have struggled with pornography, and in looking for help, I cam across his tract, which sent me into further depression... his solution was repentance and willpower. The first I have bucketloads of. The second I have none. God has freed me through His grace, but it was none of my willpower, but a careful reading and understanding of Romans 8.
This reply was @ CKG on the previous page EDIT: I have not read Clouds "expose" on Pearl, as far as I can recall. I have read a lot of cloud's stuff, but I don't recall reading anything about pearl, and if I did, I didn't quote it, because I have read pearl's tract where he says it anyway. God bless Luke |
I wonder how he knows or what Scripture he uses to back his private interpretaion, and wonder what 2 x 4 beams he has in his own eyes? Brother, I seem to have read somewhere that we are sinful creatures, whose sins have not been imputed to us because our faith is counted for righteousness? Any idea where I might have gotten that? Grace and peace brother,. throw all these little holy ghosts into Gehenna and stick with your Bible. It'll never lie to you or mislead you, these false teachers will. Tony |
Grace and peace and God blessings to you too. Tony |
Tony means to say that because of Pearls stance on declaring people saved/unsaved based on works, he has made himself out to be the Holy Ghost...
Anyway, not to get the thread off track, Pearl's book "Eight Kingdoms" is a must read/study for anyone seeking to learn the difference between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven. Read it along with Ruckman's "Kingdom of God versus the Kingdom of Heaven" and you're all set. |
But how do you explain his position that a man who is struggling with sin is unsaved?
I would go and find the quote, except it would probably cause me great anguish to read it again at this time. |
I kind of understand where you're coming from since you have struggled with porn in the past. Again when Pearl makes those harsh statements he's thinking about hardened criminals he sees in his prison ministry. As I've said before there are a lot of guys I've learned from (Pearl, Ruckman...etc) but I've never come across anyone that I agreed with everything they say. You're bothered by a statement in that one pamphlet and you shouldn't be. I believe God puts these men in our path to help guide us into the truths of His Word, but they (we) are just men. Ultimately we must all search the scriptures for ourselves. Brother, your security is in Christ and not any man, not even good men! |
http://www.settingcaptivesfree.com/c...way-of-purity/ Ephesians 1:6-7 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; |
Thanks greenbear :)
I've tried many courses and devotionals. None of them "worked". But the word of God is powerful. I have been free for about 2 months.. or just under. I haven't been counting. Also, setting captives free is highly calvinist. I always get up to day 5 or 6, and despair, because they essentially say if you are struggling you haven't repented, and you can't repent, but you have to just wait on God. So it's futile... www.in-purity.org has some good devotionals, and I will probably start going through them again soon, just to keep focused, and on the right path God bless |
The simple fact is, we are carnal and sold under sin. (Romans 7)
I am nearly 50 years on this earth, and after 30 years in Christ, I can honestly say that any high ground we may gain in the war on the flesh comes down to a daily commitment to Christ. Thank God for His amazing grace. |
Bro. Parrish,
We are the same age... 49 and holding. :) Brother Luke, Sorry, I didn't realize it would be calvinistic. I hate calvinism. And I hate lordship salvation. I remember listening to Lordship teachers years ago when I didn't understand eternal salvation and I would become inconsolable every time I heard one of their messages and it could last for weeks. I finally had to throw out all their tapes and books, I didn't even want to look at the cover of their book or hear their name spoken. I'm serious. I wouldn't want to stand before Christ and explain why I tortured His children like I believe some of them will have to do. Those teachers are hypocrites and liars. Every one of us who are saved, including some of those proud hypocrites, are just a sorry lot of sinners who don't deserve a lick of the immeasurable grace that has been freely given to us. The idea that we can do anything at all to merit it or keep it is laughable. A couple of days ago I was working in my garden, listening to the scriptures, all day long. I was so saturated with the word that I could see clearly that there is no reason for me ever to be unhappy again, or worry about anything ever again because I am going to live forever! It's just words until the Holy Spirit shows you the truth from God's perspective. Today, I'm a bit under the weather and I can't quite remember how amazing that was. Maybe tomorrow. In Christ, Jennifer |
1. How many sins did it take to get Adam and Eve thrown out of the Garden? 2. How many sins does it take to throw a person into hell? 3. Sin is transgression of what? 4. According to James how many times does it take breaking the "what" of question 3 does it take to violate all of it? 5. What is the difference between being hooked on porn and lighting your stove to cook a meal between 6 pm Friday and 6 pm Saturday, Jerusalem time? Brother, you got to watch out for these little Christian immans, there is a Christian Taliban and there is a Christian Talmud. Stick with your Bible. Your sins affect your Chriostian walk, they have not been imputed to you. You are not the only person who struggles daily with the flesh, it goes with the territory. I'll email you in the next day or two with some information you might find helpful. Grace and peace my brother. Tony |
The key to victory over any sin is reading Romans 6-8 over and over again, until you see your life hid in Christ, and the victory already won. There is no process to recovery. No 12 steps. It's a one step. Die to self and Claim the victory that Jesus Christ already won
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