I have a Bible that was my father's favorite. It is a PCE*. It badly needs retreading. What's your suggestion for someone who can rebind it? It is priceless as a text.
* check out BibleProtector's site for explanation of this term. |
Jassy |
One says, "ABCDEFGHIJ...LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ." Another says, "ABCDEFGH...JKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" Another one says, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY..." The chalk was rubbed away long ago, but you have the three paper copies. You would be able to construct correctly what was written in chalk, even though it might now be some time later. That is a very simple illustration of how the KJB is compared to the present copies and editions we have of Hebrew and Greek. |
I have yet to use Leonard's Book Binders, but from what I have seen they are very good at what they do and their prices are much lower than the English binder I have used for my last two rebinding jobs. They also seem a lot less grumpy than the English guy, who can be a real chore at times (so I won't name him). http://www.leonardsbooks.com/bible_rebinding.htm I'll have to start a thread about rebinding if you think others here might be interested. |
I am used to being the Authorized Version defender against the modern versions in most debates, so this current thread feels a bit odd to me, but I really am having fun talking to all of you. |
Correct me if I am wrong, do you believe that God has preserved His Word in full in the original languages, but that that preservation is spread amongst various manuscripts so that no single manuscript contains the perfect Word of God in full? I am not trying to put words in your mouth, but I am trying to better understand your position. |
How do you know the Hebrew corrects anything, when you already stated you don't know one word of Hebrew...? Just trying to get you to think this through... |
"For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." There are no jots or tittles in English, so Jesus must be talking about the originals. |
So, what do you have? You have faith enough to stand up and proclaim that there is a "perfect" text which can be used to correct your KJV BIBLE, (and ours) but that "perfect" text is a text you CANNOT UNDERSTAND, DO NOT HAVE, AND CANNOT EVEN READ. This by your own admission is your final authority. That strikes me as a weak position, brother. You need to think that through. I think you have to at least consider the possibility that your faith on this issue might be in the hot air of scholars. :) |
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