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illusionznc 12-15-2008 01:48 PM

Thank you! I am convinced now the Pure Cambridge Edition circa 1900 is the one I should stick with. Where can i get this Bible in genuine leather ? And also, does it omit the Apocrypha ?

Tmonk 12-15-2008 02:09 PM




Only thing in the Apocrypha worth reading is 1st and 2nd Maccabees for the history.

PeterAV 12-15-2008 02:20 PM

PCE Available

Originally Posted by illusionznc (Post 13203)
Thank you! I am convinced now the Pure Cambridge Edition circa 1900 is the one I should stick with. Where can i get this Bible in genuine leather ? And also, does it omit the Apocrypha ?

Amen and Praise the LORD!
That is a huge correct step you have taken there.
Personally I don't know of any PCE Bibles yet that are truly verified that come out in leather form.
There have been a couple of men that have posted what they consider to possibly BE it, yet nothing in the hands as of yet, I believe.
I got hoodwinked by another, unsuspectingly of course, and I bought another KJB but was not PCE after-all.
I only know of two publishing the PCE knowingly. The American one may soon have a leather edition.
Bible Protector has been selling the PCE in a couple editions in the last year.
You can find the other Gentleman in the same vein on the Bible Protector website.
You can find older PCE Bibles in many second hand book stores.
Or even on Ebay one can get a plethora of almost anything one is searching for. One needs to educate some of them. But the word is getting out.
I found a Colins PCE, And a Cambridge Leather Teacher's edition PCE both on Ebay along with others. Some I have found in the local Sally Anne.[free]
Another area that many overlook is the various local Churches.
Many churches are abandoning the tried and tested Holy Bible yet they go searching for the latest new perversion to hit the streets.
I was sad to see the Salvation Army give up the Bible for these inaccurate modern versions.So then all those pew Bibles are useless, because no they don't do Bible reading together anymore. And the real Bibles gather dust.
Those Bibles are now mine and I get to use them to bless others.

Every word of God is pure:

illusionznc 12-15-2008 03:02 PM

It is disheartening this bible is not more readily available. Several google searches using different methods have only turned up the concord edition which doesnt seem to be quite the same. To have this Pure Bible, I feel my only alternative is to print off the pages, & hire a book maker. Something I cannot afford. It is a shame the truth must be so hard to obtain. I have looked at the links you have given, but none seem to specify that it is the Pure Cambridge Edition Circa 1900. I would love to have one that does not contain the Apocrypha, and is genuine leather, durable for everyday use. As it has been pointed out, there seems to be no known Bible in that fashion in print today. May God forgive and have mercy on us all !

bibleprotector 12-16-2008 12:49 AM

You will find links for leather bound PCEs in these two forum topics (read the whole way through first):



Tmonk 12-16-2008 04:40 AM

If your unsure about buying online, the only thing I can tell you is go to stores near you and check them out yourself. The last time I was in Lifeway there was an entire shelf with nothing but King James Bibles.

I cant tell you what a Cambridge 1900 has in the front saying what it is. My father and grandfather both have one but I never paid attention to any preface.

Just go see them with your own eyes.

bibleprotector 12-16-2008 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by PeterAV (Post 13207)
I found a Colins PCE, And a Cambridge Leather Teacher's edition PCE both on Ebay along with others.

Nice, Peter. I went to a quality second hand bookshop in my city a few months ago and picked up a largeish Collins "Teacher's Edition" as well as a "Teachers' Edition" from Cambridge next to it on the shelf. Both PCEs, excellent condition (probably gifts never used by former owners). I bought them for a bargin price too! In the past few years of looking around second hand shops around my state (Victoria, Australia), I have found quite a few PCEs. My plan is to scan a good one in and put it online.

illusionznc 12-16-2008 12:24 PM

I appreciate all the help you guys have given. I have examined all these links given. After reading through the forums and the links given, it still left me feeling as though people weren't even quite sure what they had found was the pure one. Seems like at least one person is still waiting on confirmation it is the pure one before he purchases it.

I have checked our local bookstore, the only thing they had interesting was a hardback cover copy of the 1611 edition king james bible with the apocrypha. It is a small bible store and doesn't have very much. Other than that, there really isn't a bookstore here except books-a-million at the mall. And I checked with them already. They can't even order anything like that for me.

I will continue checking bookstores when I travel and so forth and possibly I will get lucky someday.

Jeremy 12-16-2008 04:27 PM

What is PCE's?

stephanos 12-16-2008 05:00 PM

I tried to talk Lewis Bibles into printing the PCE, but they said their printer won't do it. I think that's absurd. How can a publisher get away with telling their customer "I can't print what you want"? Isn't that their job to print what is ordered? Good night. But I did sow a seed, and hopefully they'll think about this a bit and get back to me with news that they've changed their mind. :D I don't think you could find a better Bible than a Lewis PCE if one were ever printed.

Peace and Love,

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